phone number: +1 (705) 209-2949
country: canada
location: midland ontario
d.o.b: may 24th 1999
name: alistair

discord: kingali1529
snapchat: ali152800
instagram: alistair_blake1529
tiktok: alistair_the_ruler

groomed multiple minors and used mental illness as an excuse, showed jealously toward 19 year old for getting with another 19 year old who rejected them, also hit on this same 19 year old and pressured them to send nudes while they were 17, knowing they were a minor, when called out they attacked the minor, played the victim, and claimed to have not done anything, as well as deleted evidence to make them look crazy

sped, claims he can only produce men because everyone in his family on his dads side is a man and it goes strictly by the dad so he can never produce daughters

weirdo and creep, pressures women for nudes and sexually harasses women

uses people for sex/is only interested in sex then throws a tantrum when turned down

definitely a virgin, claims to have made a girl cum over 38 times in one go while playing the video on call, but there was no audio

dick is literally shaped like a volcano, ejaculates like one too, also claims dick is 6 and a half inches when its most definitely 4

makes everything about him

makes people uncomfortable with sexual behaviors but still continues to sexualize when asked to stop

claims hes trying to help someone sleep then makes it sexual and doesnt allow the person to sleep

tried to make a person who turned him down jealous with “goth women” and their friends then got mad that it didnt work 

overall an asshole, pedophile, and creep