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                         +++++++++++++++++++++                    ++++++++++++++++++++++            by Oxygen aka russian_terror

Touching peaceful people is very bad :)
History: One day, crash1k, who was doing doxxing, felt that he was unable to attack the strong, because he could not find any information about them. And he went to extreme measures and attacked a peaceful person. He felt powerful, but his cruel actions soon had serious consequences. I punished his dirty soul and made it clear that it is bad to touch peaceful people ;)
*  □ - x  root@oxygen: /home/oxygen                *
*                                                  *
* sudo@oxygen:~$ get doxxed crash1k                *
*         [*] CHecking username crash1k:           *
*         DISCORD USERNAME: fsb.deanon             *
*         DISCORD ID: 1121593259530125433          *
*         EMAILS: DARIUSHARPER64@YAHOO.CO          *
*         zukovskijnikita82@gmail.com              *
*         PHONE NUMBER: +79656020831               *
*         Full NAME: Жуковский Никита Вячеславович *
*         Date of Birth: 04.04.2008                *
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*         IP:                        *
*         MOTHER PHONE NUMBER: +79218096514        *
*      MOTHER FULL NAME: Жуковская Нелли Сергеевна *
*         Date of Birth: 15.12.1975                *
*         Home adress: Санкт-Петербург             *
*          малая бухарестская,10/1/791             *
*         [*] success is inevitable                *
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