this guy has bullied me throughout high school and now, and i am tired of it - he is a degenerate loser who i pretend to still be his friend to get information out of him whenevr we hung out 
before whenever i cud when there is something happeneing in our area.
i have come to find out he is a closeted gay who crossdresses and tried to find guys to hook up with on reddit in my local area hahahahaha what a loser!!!! turns out his parents are very much
against these kind of people and they do not know theyre very son is like this and a lame ass bully who has messed with me and my little brother and im so sick of this now!!!! 
if you can inform them on who he rlly is it would be 'ppreciated  if u need his nsfw photos as proof for tha parents let me know! my telegram is @MrXtrava :)))) help wud be appreciated because he nearly ruined
my life and driven my little bro almost into suicide! 

name: brian banks 
age: 19

- tiktok : Accidentally.Toxic
- reddit : Btopaz
- steam: Accidentally-Toxic
- insta : btopaz77,
- spotify : brianbanksbtopaz
- Twitch: gamli811
- facebook:
- youtube channel:

dad's social media and phone # !!!!
his instagrem:  matthewbanks64
cell: (801) 699-0951, (757) 254-6397, 
home: (801) 250-6656

mothers social media and phone # !!!!
- Audrey Banks
       - Instagram: 4banks