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Title:callista koscak (updating soon)
Created:Feb 21st, 2024
Created by: foid_
Views: 207
Comments: 0
Edited at: Feb 21st, 2024
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
Please note that all posted information is publicly available and must follow our TOS.
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Will send thirst traps to anyone and sends discord gifs about bestiality to anyone she feels should see it. Also incredibly racist. ┨ ┠-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------┨ ┠ ┨ ┠ Social Profile: ┨ ┠ --------------- ┨ ┠ ┨ ┠ Full Name: Callista Marie Koscak ┨ ┠ Age: 15 (Born 2008) ┨ ┠ Sex: Female ┨ ┠ Weight: 87 tons ┨ ┠ State: Wisconsin / Oklahoma ┨ ┠ School: Sheboygan North High School ┨ ┠ Social Status: Single (Not Surprised) ┨ ┠ ┨ ┠-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------┨ ┠ ┨ ┠ Callista Koscak's Socials: ┨ ┠ -------------------------- ┨ ┠ ┨ ┠ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mariecaliko ┨ ┠ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@caltwan ┨ ┠ Twitter: https://twitter.com/CallistaKoscak ┨ ┠ Sendit: https://senditapp.com/callista-koscak (Who even uses this) ┨ ┠ Facebook: https://facebook.com/caliko.marie ┨ ┠ Discord: callie2855 ┨ ┠ ┨ ┠-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------┨ ┠ ┨ ┠ Callista Koscak's Father: ┨ ┠ ------------------------- ┨ ┠ ┨ ┠ Full Name: Steve Koscak ┨ ┠ Age: 29 (According to him) ┨ ┠ Sex: Male ┨ ┠ State: Wisconsin ┨ ┠ Picture: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1208946603315167253/1209556214632153118/image.png?ex=65e75a02&is=65d4e502&hm=e356ada7a52be9b8e27bb75e3a6c347ca3a3af731efff76697247250b42dd377& ┨ ┠ Video of Steve drinking with his mate Jason: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9u-H4U-BH5w ┨ ┠ ┨ ┠-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------┨ ┠ ┨ ┠ Pictures of Callista and Steve: ┨ ┠ ------------------------------- ┨ ┠ ┨ ┠ https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1208946603315167253/1209568934269820989/Screenshot_20240212_232137_Photos.jpg?ex=65e765da&is=65d4f0da&hm=570dff0c7ebdfddf859f5824c20e3b420b24f2877a3731e38975b3dbfdec7aaf& ┨ ┠ https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1208946603315167253/1209568934651494481/Screenshot_20240212_232131_Photos.jpg?ex=65e765da&is=65d4f0da&hm=3e8052d781f0df499115e6b5209b581b858a4c19d0c3d295df8edaa0c47fa9d1& ┨ ┠ ┨ ┠-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------┨ ┠ ┨ ┠ Callista Koscak's Nephew: ┨ ┠ ------------------------- ┨ ┠ ┨ ┠ Full Name: Jake Koscak ┨ ┠ Age: N/A ┨ ┠ Sex: Male ┨ ┠ Picture: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1208946603315167253/1209572794405494804/image.png?ex=65e76972&is=65d4f472&hm=c99028dcf7dbd2830c69e6c91b184a1e9a266ce90740e4bcf65b8c5ef39f42a3& ┨ ┠ ┨ ┠-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------┨ ┠ ┨ ┠ Callista Koscak's Pictures: ┨ ┠ --------------------------- ┨ ┠ ┨ ┠ https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1208946603315167253/1209574520227237978/image.png?ex=65e76b0e&is=65d4f60e&hm=0e27cd35458d6a485428b800f310e2b01f1e68e1663b358d616fa3d2e0ed6f7c& ┨ ┠ https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1208946603315167253/1209572572711100486/image.png?ex=65e7693e&is=65d4f43e&hm=dc62a8db15058d3a5d03ac5107a0d8dc3d53c723fa9f17c61354e44414dfe5ec& ┨ ┠ https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1208946603315167253/1209564935412256839/image.png?ex=65e76221&is=65d4ed21&hm=588c8c2dcd32d1a8dd68c16f96071e4d1d5e3e8d08b7fd2c47b58580bac971b4& ┨ ┠ https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1208946603315167253/1209568529049718834/image.png?ex=65e7657a&is=65d4f07a&hm=34500e16f693ba874cb68a2fbfc09fe371fcb58149bbcc03de27fb751b8900b8& ┨ ┠ https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1208946603315167253/1209568940108546079/image.png?ex=65e765dc&is=65d4f0dc&hm=26886d832a20c6f2508d50ebb02ac9b202fac5c12eb37d7e47848cc97d76cd1b& ┨ ┠ ┨ ┠-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------┨ ┠ ┨ ┠ Additional Notes: ┨ ┠ ----------------- ┨ ┠ ┨ ┠ Steve Koscak was in a call with 4 minors including Callista and told one of the minors he would do anything he would wants to him and said he would love to cuddle with him. The targeted user is 14. ┨ ┠ Callista Koscak said "I love it bitch" when being confronted about the bestiality claims. She also loves saying the n-word whilst being more white than casper the ghost. ┨ ┠ More coming very soon. ┨ ┠ ┨ ┠-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------┨ ███████╗░█████╗░██╗██████╗░ ██╔════╝██╔══██╗██║██╔══██╗ █████╗░░██║░░██║██║██║░░██║ ██╔══╝░░██║░░██║██║██║░░██║ ██║░░░░░╚█████╔╝██║██████╔╝ ╚═╝░░░░░░╚════╝░╚═╝╚═════╝░ ,-. ___,---.__ /'|`\ __,---,___ ,-' \` `-.____,-' | `-.____,-' // `-. ,' | ~'\ /`~ | `. / ___// `. ,' , , \___ \ | ,-' `-.__ _ | , __,-' `-. | | / /\_ ` . | , _/\ \ | \ | \ \`-.___ \ | / ___,-'/ / | / \ \ | `._ `\\ | //' _,' | / / `-.\ /' _ `---'' , . ``---' _ `\ /,-' `` / \ ,='/ \`=. / \ '' |__ /|\_,--.,-.--,--._/|\ __| / `./ \\`\ | | | /,//' \,' \ / / ||--+--|--+-/-| \ \ | | /'\_\_\ | /_/_/`\ | | \ \__, \_ `~' _/ .__/ / `-._,-' `-._______,-' `-._,-'