he literally thinks he runs the "streets" listen to what he admits to in his song: https://open.spotify.com/track/2qIm1ak0qwy4ggSa4QGoup?si=f51de7c493f34baa 💀💀💀 DONT GAS HIM UP HE COOKING UP MUSTARD GAS!!!
lived in the suburbs all his life and claims he is some hard and tuff hoodman thats not from where your from (everyone knows he is a bitch and robs kids and civillians and they admit to it)
bridlewood/bridlemeadows is literally a suburb if you google it its a new community there are NO shootings or bad crime in this area (i wonder why???)
FTO GANGMEMBER (This city's joke of a "gang")
spoiled white kid
expelled from high school and robs kids younger than him and hangs around highschoolers while being a expelled adult with a record (at the school he is trespassed at)
allegedly raped one girl tho there is no evidence (yet)
wears borrowed clothes like a bum and acts gangster
calls black people nigger and nigga and both his parents are white as snow = he is a cracker (did not raise him right)
general wannabe gangster that needs to learn when to quit and change his life around (this is NOT the hood CRACKER you live in Bridlewood) (AND YOU ARE NOT A NIGGA)
bottom of the barrel filth. him and his friends are a genuine risk to people here cops are NOT doing shit about him
no one robbed no girl this guy uses the excuse of oh someone touched/robbed/bad mouthed a girl (EVEN IF ITS A COMPLETE LIE) as an excuse to try and rob them
and he hopped into the comments try and fight
learn to rap btw.

NAME: Cole Eagan

Address: 24 Bridle meadows Commons SW (Canada > Alberta > Calgary)

postal: T2Y 4V3

SNAPCHAT: https://www.snapchat.com/add/mosthatedcsavv
SNAPCHAT (OLD): https://www.snapchat.com/add/coleeganplayz
ACTIVE ON TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@mosthatedcsavv
INSTA HE IS HIDING ON: ct071011 (2 recently changed names pic is of him)
ACTIVE INSTAS: @tltd4k @cole_herman_yyc @csavvfrmdaflame @cole_egan_vlogs @colesbackup2020pandemic @purple_laborghini
TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/ColeEganPlayz

Old usernames: @ColeEganPlayz  @csavvfrmdaflame_  @sws_cole @mosthatedcsavv @csavvindagame
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Cole-hg7si AND https://www.youtube.com/@csavvindagame
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cole.egan.77
PSN username: MostHatedCsavv


Miah Juneau

Close girl connects/exs