this boy ruined my childhood and my life with bullying and threats,
 he literally stuck a pencil in my arm, he literally made me marginalized by everyone,
 he gave me traumas that I had to go to psychologists to fill these traumas,
 today I am 23 years old I have two friends in my whole life but they are the best friends
 I could ask for they have been close to me in everything, 
but I still have traumas and the fear of opening up to a person or making the first move to meet new people or make new friends,
 I spent years and years with traumas and fears caused by this boy, I only hope that you understand everything
 I went through and that you could help me with my much loved revenge, 
I leave you below all the links to his profiles and all the information I have managed to gather,
 I just hope that someone will make my desire for revenge come true.
 He had an older brother who died many years ago in a car accident while he was in the car returning home with his friends,
 only his brother died.

Name: Emiliano 
Suriname: Matei
Original country: piatra nemt
Family members:
 Namu Si Luminita Matei (mother)
Adrian Nadia (Uncle)
Stefan Fiu (cousin)
Anca Augliese Matei (cousin)
Roxana Ciucianu (cousin)
Georgiana Fiu (cousin)
Date of Bird: 15/April/2000

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