Dox by arcope
Join my telegram channel :) @scccamer

Cause - bullying the customer in real life, which is obscene in society.

Target--- +79604574101
Number - +79604574101
Country - Russia.

Mobile operator - Beeline

SNS- Cheksidov Dmitry Sergeevich  

|Social media - 
|____VK id--- 580648613
|____Telegram id--- 1109372773
|____Сlassmates id--- absent 
|____Instagram--- absent 

Possible address - Rostov region, Neklinovsky district, Bolshaya Neklinovka village, Shkolnaya street 89, apartment 346.////// 
OR Rostov region, Novoshakhtinsk city, eastern street number 8. 
AND possible IP---

Email - ; 

Date of Birth - 10.12.2007

