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        ooooo ooooo      ooo oooooooooooo   .oooooo.   ooooooooo.   ooo        ooooo       .o.       ooooooooooooo ooooo   .oooooo.   ooooo      ooo 
        888' 888b.     8' 888'     8  d8P'  Y8b  888   Y88. 88.       .888'      .888.      8'   888   8 888'  d8P'  Y8b  888b.     8' 
         888   8 88b.    8   888         888      888  888   .d88'  888b     d'888      .8"888.          888       888  888      888  8 88b.    8  
         888   8   88b.  8   888oooo8    888      888  888ooo88P'   8 Y88. .P  888     .8' 888.         888       888  888      888  8   `88b.  8  
         888   8     88b.8   888    "    888      888  88888b.     8  888'   888    .88ooo8888.        888       888  888      888  8     88b.8  
         888   8       888   888         88b    d88'  888  88b.   8    Y     888   .8'     888.       888       888  88b    d88'  8       888  
        o888o o8o        8  o888o         Y8bood8P'  o888o  o888o o8o        o888o o88o     o8888o     o888o     o888o  Y8bood8P'  o8o        8  


@Name: szymon
@Sex: Male

@reason: He thinks he's the best but he's an idiot and an attention whore and want leak ip


@hex: steam:110000162ab225c
@dc id: 1200165281226567782



@firstname: Kuba
@lastname: Stolarski
@Age: 12.05.2007
@Sex: Male

@reason: He thinks he's the best but he's an idiot and an attention whore and want leak ip

@city: Legnica

@girlfriend: Nikola Barszczuk 

@fb kuba: https://www.facebook.com/kuba.stolarski.399488?locale=pl_PL
@fb girlfriend: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100039502847147&locale=pl_PL
@fb mother: https://www.facebook.com/mstolarska1?locale=pl_PL
@fb father: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100058472913485&locale=pl_PL
@fb brother: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100080502104323&locale=pl_PL
@tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kstolarski2007
@instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kstolarski/

@website school: https://7lo.legnica.eu/
@school: VII LO Legnica Policyjna

@email: kubastolarski089@gmail.com

@twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/kstolarski07
@spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/31wqkmsbvw5hwanwpgqvysegybfa
@dc id: 1017807794751164496
@hex: steam:11000015ccf4be3 

8888888 8888888b.       8888888 888b    888 8888888888 .d88888b.  
  888   888   Y88b        888   8888b   888 888       d88P" "Y88b 
  888   888    888        888   88888b  888 888       888     888 
  888   888   d88P        888   888Y88b 888 8888888   888     888 
  888   8888888P"         888   888 Y88b888 888       888     888 
  888   888               888   888  Y88888 888       888     888 
  888   888               888   888   Y8888 888       Y88b. .d88P 
8888888 888             8888888 888    Y888 888        "Y88888P"

Country: 	PL PL
City: 	Legnica
Region: 	Lower Silesia
Hostname: 	77-254-222-147.dynamic.inetia.pl
ISP 	Netia SA
Organization 	Netia SA
ASN 	12741
Proxy Status: 	false
VPN Status: 	false
TOR Status: 	false
Fraud Score 	0
75+ = suspicious | 85+ = risky | 90+ = high risk
Recent Abuse: 	false
Bot Activity: 	false


8888888 8888888b.       888      8888888888        d8888 888    d8P              d8888 8888888b.  888b     d888 8888888 888b    888      888888b.   888             d8888  .d8888b. 88888888888 
  888   888   Y88b      888      888              d88888 888   d8P              d88888 888  "Y88b 8888b   d8888   888   8888b   888      888  "88b  888            d88888 d88P  Y88b    888     
  888   888    888      888      888             d88P888 888  d8P              d88P888 888    888 88888b.d88888   888   88888b  888      888  .88P  888           d88P888 Y88b.         888     
  888   888   d88P      888      8888888        d88P 888 888d88K              d88P 888 888    888 888Y88888P888   888   888Y88b 888      8888888K.  888          d88P 888  "Y888b.      888     
  888   8888888P"       888      888           d88P  888 8888888b            d88P  888 888    888 888 Y888P 888   888   888 Y88b888      888  "Y88b 888         d88P  888     "Y88b.    888     
  888   888             888      888          d88P   888 888  Y88b          d88P   888 888    888 888  Y8P  888   888   888  Y88888      888    888 888        d88P   888       "888    888     
  888   888             888      888         d8888888888 888   Y88b        d8888888888 888  .d88P 888   "   888   888   888   Y8888      888   d88P 888       d8888888888 Y88b  d88P    888     
8888888 888             88888888 8888888888 d88P     888 888    Y88b      d88P     888 8888888P"  888       888 8888888 888    Y888      8888888P"  88888888 d88P     888  "Y8888P"     888

@reason: they worked with them and they are the same whores and want leak ip

@scrtv big hacker
@Ashley email:xminiko5@gmail.com
