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       The Reason And History for This Dox:
There were a lot of unpleasant words in my direction.
You promised a lot of things.But the main reason for
 the dox was photos containing unacceptable female content.
Get slapped in the face for this.

      this is an extended dox, so here is an
instruction for you what's what, so that you can understand.

             "MI" Extract = [MI]
               Main Info | MI
             "AI" Extract = [AI]
             Additional Info | AI

          ▄█     ▄██████▄  ███▄▄▄▄   
          ███    ███    ███ ███▀▀▀██▄ 
          ███▌   ███    █▀  ███   ███ 
          ███▌  ▄███        ███   ███ 
          ███▌ ▀▀███ ████▄  ███   ███ 
          ███    ███    ███ ███   ███ 
          ███    ███    ███ ███   ███ 
          █▀     ████████▀   ▀█   █▀ 

Contact Information:

[MI] Phone:  +79651665192
╚═════════════ [AI]:

[MI] E-Mail:  emiheeva865@gmail.com
╚═════════════ [AI]:
Activity Status: Average.
Registration Date: N/A


[MI] Name: Eva
[MI] Surname:  Miheeva
[MI] Patronymic:  Sergeevna
[MI] DOB:  07.10.2006
╚═════════════ [AI]:
Eyes Color:  Brown
Hair Color:  White
Nationality: Russia
Town : Piter
Language: RU
Geographical position:

[MI] Current Adress:  Irovsky district, Pushkina 12, Entrance 1, apt. 129, этаж 8
[MI] ZIP:  190000
[MI] Registered According To:  Eva

     ,-;;,_  ;,',,,'''@
  ,;;``  `'\\|//``-:;,.
@`         ;^^^;      `'@        Social Media Of Creators:
           :@ @:                     Telegram Users: @terrormember
           \ u /                 
          \_____/                       Bye bye!
      '`\ /_____\                    Thanks For View.
      `\ \\_____/_
        |        ||
        |  xxx   |'