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Title:assholes raped me and killed my cat ony my eyes
Created:Feb 23rd, 2024
Created by: Anonymous
Views: 728
Comments: 6
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
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███╗░░██╗░█████╗░███╗░░░███╗███████╗ ████╗░██║██╔══██╗████╗░████║██╔════╝ ██╔██╗██║███████║██╔████╔██║█████╗░░ ██║╚████║██╔══██║██║╚██╔╝██║██╔══╝░░ ██║░╚███║██║░░██║██║░╚═╝░██║███████╗ the thing is that he and her say stupid things and lie about me and this bitch imitates me, dresses the same and behaves the same and says that she is the best than me, but it's not like that at all, she doesn't take care of herself at all but never mind the bitch and her boyfriend, they raped me when I was walking past a tunnel and they have my private photos, I don't know how they did it, but they deserve punishment and I'm begging someone to do something to them, and what's shitty is that they go to my class and follow everyone sometimes they drag me behind school to do something for me. about the cat yea uk when we been in a fight they just took my cat on a leash earlier and when they called me this guy was holding me and this bitch was just cutting this cat with a knife and the shitty thing is that the bitch is 15 years old and this guy is 16 .. im scared of them someone need to do something with them they deserve it and its actually in the netherlands so yea (: .... - some information about them Girl named elisabeth lisa glas 15 years 1,60 adres: noord-scharwoude front of her door wil be a blue big ship x number: +31 642643081 snap: jadejefavsmurf tik tok: @jefavxsmurfje hope something happend to her about the guy : GUY named : aaron jordan 1,70'175 addres : heerhugowaard / alkmaar he rides a lot on sport bike number: +31 639457517 snap: aaronjordan8106 tik tok : onion341 work: aldi heerhugowaard / Rustenburgerweg 108, 1703 photos of them"=- both going to the same school- school: Focus praktijkschool // Umbriellaan 1, 1702 AJ heerhugowaard places where they are the most: playground broeker Zandhorst 1 like It's close to the station at Heerhugowaard like i dont care they young look what they did just i hope they deserve it photo's of them : https://1drv.ms/i/c/bc72025c98888036/EdT6CNElDfxGqQcNBSBYgOYB51q0-NjEhV65CVty8lE52Q?e=ghJ3fZ https://1drv.ms/i/c/bc72025c98888036/EW8EST6b6vJKvzWlzfJd4JsBlG71Zc8sP_x-b8hnPCCjYA?e=dFvcaF https://1drv.ms/i/c/bc72025c98888036/ERGnlXDaqMZEiuUvP1aDPPgBCX4keOBjYIcyRFnDWhHsxQ?e=TxnAtL https://1drv.ms/i/c/bc72025c98888036/EX-glVaH32xBgA6PmlKpk_sB7Ev8mvV_YWpgu33z_dPMpg?e=jShfaI https://1drv.ms/i/c/bc72025c98888036/EVZpGeiaruNHrP3FkNj-OqsBGEDXxMC-sLzP4MuXSEYONw?e=qq7sAs https://1drv.ms/i/c/bc72025c98888036/Ea-xCA-Bq_1EpcuK983fnF0Bm_SolUY5eJtG4Np5vipgAw?e=XwHTew https://1drv.ms/i/c/bc72025c98888036/EVNGCrfplf1CkJ7ZQ9kqyXUBx1tK2v9KogYxgD7yN2PTrg?e=jyckr2 https://1drv.ms/i/c/bc72025c98888036/EbElexpC-N1Nn6xjlN9iXZoBQ-RCFy1pfFSk_D2DS3guUA?e=SflTyH https://1drv.ms/i/c/bc72025c98888036/EdcUSPQKMKBIlDYWZvHfCDABF7FAQIdC9vEIWxI4SCS6Gg?e=VGbfca https://1drv.ms/i/c/bc72025c98888036/ETTt1OzXuBNGhLWAwmCODukBNsRp9l7PHn3-Bod69L4R9A?e=Z9kJhu https://1drv.ms/i/c/bc72025c98888036/EZ75aqMliM5Hk2pSAA9p5GsBWzPtjSwEe4ZFDy6fiBiv-Q?e=he6qLE https://1drv.ms/i/c/bc72025c98888036/EZKIzlJMUoVEvTFH7ATaR1wBDfxx0x6XpOqyj8xIuS_1BQ?e=PQDaQS https://1drv.ms/i/c/bc72025c98888036/EbnbHrrGghVNmzfNARdRClkBH-5o7tKqmXECmCBKhcuwzQ?e=KjhbY7 https://1drv.ms/i/c/bc72025c98888036/EW-4L8V-lQJFpVXAp1DPrd8Bz2Ys514CCRjTPxh0zpnXSg?e=T65zqt https://1drv.ms/i/c/bc72025c98888036/EZx2-dGzdK5Ot4Q_nIyYvTYB4YtU2xlBMQIfohrfxIMueQ?e=ynONMK https://1drv.ms/i/c/bc72025c98888036/EULsCIAEIStMvdwzV5TeI4kBgWS_5KS98mrkEgmQfykLOA?e=9rQLsZ https://1drv.ms/i/c/bc72025c98888036/EThZaZ9xyPlMti-BKepw7HYBB1uMnSm7_KBIOufXKQGJ-w?e=ObsRAu https://1drv.ms/i/c/bc72025c98888036/EbRQQxFnxiRJsC-0PploOHQBLcvONJmS280iKR0ue2wHdQ?e=CcF1l6 https://1drv.ms/i/c/bc72025c98888036/EYomQENsg0xGlNXJdSlQMlgBp31cnZf23ZDtlT0ujsIgAw?e=9TYQq9 https://1drv.ms/i/c/bc72025c98888036/EXEHLxAPqSBNhCaIqAtiILgBnCcnVGqMEbBMbtAgvmGAnQ?e=i3qWTK https://1drv.ms/v/c/bc72025c98888036/EbkvpjfdhwFHtZndAkfpAjIBM60d1wTw1nm-9lFCkXnZbw?e=1PJAtl https://1drv.ms/i/c/bc72025c98888036/EV8kt9PyZNdNsPRezJNb8yYB8kEGcLobvUfPRM9twObAPA?e=JJRYia https://1drv.ms/i/c/bc72025c98888036/EdoxsxiBJAhBopsGfPC3Q5MBf6SceX00Dyh8htAVed4NEA?e=rvj1c1
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