Name: Jay Ramirez (possibly a fake name)
Address: 14659 16th Ave (rest unknown)
Possible location: NYC or Washington, d.c.
Timezone: PST
Tiktok: killshotgaming_mc
Snapchat: jaykillshot_mc
Discord: lordsatan1999 (previous user
was kaiwalker1999)
Telegram: Vodka201999
Spotify Podcast: Rebdoomer99 / rebeldoomer
ADD MY DISCORD @sceneist!!
Why i’m doxxing him?-
Fucked animals (bare & raw),
He’s a self centered piece of shit,
Beheads cats & cuts them open,
Kills animals in brutal ways,
Has a lisp,
Tried extorting me but failed miserably,
Gaslit me.
Lastly, leaked my number and spread shit.
Notes from me:
If you add him and you say “you got
doxxed by liz” he’s probably gonna block
you or tell you a bunch of false shit about
how i’m a narcissist who doesn’t take accountability 
for my actions. So just harass the fuck out
of him and have fun LOL.

With all love,