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###         ########  ###    ####  ########  ###    ### ###    ### 
today we have a person wo btrayed my ex, he lies about everything, he's broke, and asks money from my gf
name: Gál András
addy: Somogysámson Fő Utca 51 8783
phone number: +36306757315
mother name: Löczi Brigitta
father name: Gál Csaba
sister name: Gál Ketrin
other sister name: Gál Enikő
other brother name: Bogdán Kristóf
birth date: 2008 may 26-th
his school: Hikkman Béla Szakképző iskola
his work place: Ziehl-Abegg Kft.
fathers phone number: +36 30 254 2482
older brother phone number: +36 30 817 5641
social medias
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100082305016651&sk=friends
dads fb: https://www.facebook.com/gcsaba0814
moms fb: https://www.facebook.com/brigitta.loczi.5
sisters fb: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087276146648
other sisters fb: https://www.facebook.com/eniko.gal.169
insta: andrassshh_
tiktok: andreeewww05
snap: andrassshh
photoes on this kid: 
d pic: https://boobies.pro/toto/x1w2sn57.png
other photo of this harmles kid: https://boobies.pro/toto/092bk6nq.png
young pic of the harmless kid: https://boobies.pro/toto/yjfrcohx.png
family pic: https://boobies.pro/toto/xvz6elzc.png
don't mess with us ever again:)