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Title:alex the asshole dox
Created:Mar 31st, 2024
Created by: TheBac0nSurvivor
Views: 384
Comments: 1
Edited at: May 10th, 2024
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
Please note that all posted information is publicly available and must follow our TOS.
---------------------//\\ --------------------// ¤ \\ --------------------\\ ¤ // -------------------- \\// -------------------- (___) ---------------------(___) ---------------------(___) ---------------------(___) --------\_____/\__/-----------\__/\_____/ ------------\ _°_[------------]_°_ / ----------------\_°_¤ ---- ¤_°_/ -------------------\ ° / --------------------|\_°_/| --------------------[|\_/|] --------------------[|[¤]|] --------------------[|;¤;|] --------------------[;;¤;;] -------------------;;;;¤]|]\ ------------------;;;;;¤]|]-\ -----------------;;;;;[¤]|]--\ ----------------;;;;;|[¤]|]---\ ---------------;;;;;[|[¤]|]|---| ---------------;;;;;[|[¤]|]|---| ----------------;;;;[|[¤]|/---/ -----------------;;;[|[¤]/---/ ------------------;;[|[¤/---/ -------------------;[|[/---/ --------------------[|/---/ ---------------------/---/ --------------------/---/|] -------------------/---/]|]; ------------------/---/¤]|];; -----------------|---|[¤]|];;; -----------------|---|[¤]|];;; ------------------\--|[¤]|];; -------------------\-|[¤]|]; ---------------------\|[¤]|] ----------------------\\¤// -----------------------\|/ ------------------------V ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dox reason: It's a long story, so I'll make it short. We got mad at each other, he threatened to dox me, so I did it back. PERSONAL INFORMATION: Full Name: --------- Alex(ander) Herrera Sisters Name: ------ Lola Herrera Race: -------------- Mexican Gender: ------------ Male Sexuality: --------- Aroace Pronouns: ---------- He/Him/His/They/Them/Theirs Email: ------------- alex.herrera111112@gmail.com DEVICE: IP Address: -------- Browser: ----------- Mobile Safari (17.3.1) Operating System: -- iOS 17.3.1 Device: ------------ Apple iPhone User Agent: -------- Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 17_3_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.3.1 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1 Host Name: --------- c-73-178-162-193.hsd1.nj.comcast.net ISP: --------------- COMCAST-7922 Org: --------------- AS33659 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC ASN: --------------- 7922 VPN?: -------------- False Proxy?: ------------ False Tor?: -------------- False Relay?: ------------ False Hosting?: ---------- False LOCATION: Country: ----------- United States/US Region: ------------ South Central City: -------------- Texas Continent: --------- North America Timezone: ---------- GMT-4 (America/New York) Postal Code: ------- 08080 DISCORD: Username: ---------- lampy777 Display Username: -- Lampy User ID: ----------- 1224015326098882734 Joined: ------------ Sun, 31 Mar 2024 15:19:54 UTC Banner Color: ------ #ffcd4f Badges: ------------ None Profile Picture: --- https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/1224015326098882734/3381e0ce144754f80396bd2a1d6d9841?size=1024 YOUTUBE: Channel Link: ------ https://www.youtube.com/@Lampy_OSC Channel Name: ------ Lampy Anim8s Channel Handle: ---- @Lampy_OSC Channel ID: -------- UCSWcb7HL1eTBAxti7WKLcwA Channel Description: (too long lol just check for urself) Channel PFP: ------- https://yt3.googleusercontent.com/cVmJMcCU2W2HU6bhcNJ4NpFKYVR7DmOL6qmoHdSOWE2IqmJ7P_we_s_15HCaVxjzCFYaldVI=s160-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj Channel Banner: ---- https://yt3.googleusercontent.com/Co7V5oXh7tNf1JXYrst7MDS3qasITKUODkw2roSPkDIgIThFdwXYht_T8NMMLsMWhMjyAwTJG4o=w1707-fcrop64=1,00005a57ffffa5a8-k-c0xffffffff-no-nd-rj Subscribers: ------- ~1,370 Videos: ------------ 34 Total Views: ------- ~39,706 Joined: ------------ 06/02/2023, 10:37:44 AM Total Grade: ------- C+ EME: --------------- $5 - $83 EYE: --------------- $62 - $998 TS (Weekly): ------- ~10 SFTL3D: ------------ 40 OLD YOUTUBE CHANNEL: Channel Link: ------ https://www.youtube.com/@Lampimations Channel Name: ------ Lampimations Channel Handle: ---- @Lampimations Channel ID: -------- UCgmw-A5wc3iNkJ3bhNnrL3g Channel Description: Hi, I’m lampy and I’m a lamp 😊 I want to make an object show and maybe even make it into the OSC hot 100! Please help me reach that, thanks for reading ❤️ Subscribers: ------- 8 Videos: ------------ 5 Total Views: ------- ~146 Joined: ------------ 23/03/2024, 1:56:34 pm Total Grade: ------- TBD EME: --------------- $0.03 - $0.55 EYE: --------------- $0.41 - $7 TS (Weekly): ------- 3 SFTL3D: ------------ ~8 OTHER: ------------------- Picture of a mask covering his face https://discord.com/channels/@me/1238564219457241198/1238564307688493097 ------------------- Picture of his mask https://discord.com/channels/@me/1238564219457241198/1238564330585198623 ------------------- Exposing video link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vj-FHhB3Z7M ------------------- All the fucked up screenshots I have of him https://discord.gg/HzCJhyU3PY -------------------
9 months ago