welcome to doxbin.
info by - andromeda, kalinin, verner, Terru Burdens
group by - .DeanonThePlomes

IGN - agrom

[1] Personal information

├ Full name - Anikin Dmitry Oolegovich
├ Phone number - 79898984011
├ Date of birth - 2002-10-22
├ Country - Russia
├ Region - Republic of Khakassia
├ City - Abakan
╰ Address - st. Askizskaya, 197a

[2] Social network

├ VKontakte - Agent Deanon
├ Registration date - 05/22/2022 23:08
├Page address - https://vk.com/xaxaxaxaxaxaxaaxaxaxaxaax
╰ Main page - https://vk.com/dimasik_anikinnnnnnn

[3] Family

├ Full name - Anikina Elena Leonidovna
├ Date of birth - 04/03/1974
├ Country - Russia
├ Region - Republic of Khakassia
├ City - Abakan
├ Mail - ael@r-19.ru
├ Address - st. Dakhadaeva 78
├ Passport - I__-PV No. 702127
├ SNILS - 07250521835
├ INN - 190104961979
╰ Numbers - +79083264709

├ Full name - Anikin Oleg Valerievich
├ Date of birth - 09/21/1971
├ Country - Russia
├ Region - Republic of Khakassia
├ City - Abakan
├ Mail - anikin-abakan@yandex.ru
├ Address - st. Dakhadaeva 78
├ Passport - 9516 913636, issued on September 27, 2016 by the department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Republic of Khakassia in Abakan 190002
├ SNILS - 07142396249
├ INN - 190100381720
├ OGRN - 305190113600962
╰ Numbers - +79029968110

├ Старый госномер - 849ОАУ
├ Марка машины - TOYOTA CAMRY
╰ SV Регистрация - 19МН903281