==================== Drop by brrrr17 ==================== Reason: Do what you gotta do to her incessantly until she’s found in a ditch for abusing and targeting people with physical and mental disabilities ==================== *Personal Information*: Full Name: Melissa Katherine Jordan Phone Number:+1 (847) 644-6441 DOB: 5/31/1996 Age: too old for this shit (27) Email: meljordan0531@gmail.com Pets: 1 dog ~50lbs. ==================== *Location Information* Address: 1115 35th St. Apt. B, Boulder, CO. USA Zip: 80303 Currently living with 1 roommate ==================== ==================== *Social Media Accounts*: Discord: N/A Twitter: N/A Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melissa.jordan.7796?mibextid=LQQJ4d Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melissakjordan/ Snapchat: @melissakjordan TikTok: melissakjordan ==================== Dropped by brrrr17 ====================