,ad8888ba,                                    88  88                      888b      88                                                                         
 d8"'    `"8b                                   88  ""    ,d                8888b     88                                          ,d                             
d8'                                             88        88                88 `8b    88                                          88                             
88             8b,dPPYba,   ,adPPYba,   ,adPPYb,88  88  MM88MMM     888     88  `8b   88   ,adPPYba,    ,adPPYb,d8  ,adPPYYba,  MM88MMM  8b,     ,d8  888888888  
88             88P'   "Y8  a8P_____88  a8"    `Y88  88    88        888     88   `8b  88  a8"     "8a  a8"    `Y88  ""     `Y8    88      `Y8, ,8P'        a8P"  
Y8,            88          8PP"""""""  8b       88  88    88                88    `8b 88  8b       d8  8b       88  ,adPPPPP88    88        )888(       ,d8P'    
 Y8a.    .a8P  88          "8b,   ,aa  "8a,   ,d88  88    88,       888     88     `8888  "8a,   ,a8"  "8a,   ,d88  88,    ,88    88,     ,d8" "8b,   ,d8"       
  `"Y8888Y"'   88           `"Ybbd8"'   `"8bbdP"Y8  88    "Y888     888     88      `888   `"YbbdP"'    `"YbbdP"Y8  `"8bbdP"Y8    "Y888  8P'     `Y8  888888888  
                                                                                                        aa,    ,88                                               

                                88  88                                                                              88                            
                                ""  88                                                                              88                            
                                    88                                                                              88                            
 ,adPPYba,  88,dPYba,,adPYba,   88  88     88,dPYba,,adPYba,   ,adPPYYba,  88,dPYba,,adPYba,    ,adPPYba,   ,adPPYb,88   ,adPPYba,   8b       d8  
a8P_____88  88P'   "88"    "8a  88  88     88P'   "88"    "8a  ""     `Y8  88P'   "88"    "8a  a8P_____88  a8"    `Y88  a8"     "8a  `8b     d8'  
8PP"""""""  88      88      88  88  88     88      88      88  ,adPPPPP88  88      88      88  8PP"""""""  8b       88  8b       d8   `8b   d8'   
"8b,   ,aa  88      88      88  88  88     88      88      88  88,    ,88  88      88      88  "8b,   ,aa  "8a,   ,d88  "8a,   ,a8"    `8b,d8'    
 `"Ybbd8"'  88      88      88  88  88     88      88      88  `"8bbdP"Y8  88      88      88   `"Ybbd8"'   `"8bbdP"Y8   `"YbbdP"'       "8"      

Name : emil
Last name: mamedov
Age: Unkown
Phone Number : 0527581707 
Status: Unfortunately Alive (not for long)
Home Address: bat yam
Discord ID: 1235248655682764913
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/e.m.i.l.021/
Picture : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1076540664105410632/1236077841494446191/image.png?ex=66375b72&is=663609f2&hm=91f0689c2e06922f141eb5ddfbf795d15a84a500b3975ff50a31ffaa72ddb29f&

lets move to his old ass mom

            88  88  88                     88  88               88                     
            88  ""  88                     88  ""               88                     
            88      88                     88                   88                     
,adPPYYba,  88  88  88   ,d8   ,adPPYba,   88  88  8b,dPPYba,   88   ,d8   ,adPPYYba,  
""     `Y8  88  88  88 ,a8"   a8"     "8a  88  88  88P'   `"8a  88 ,a8"    ""     `Y8  
,adPPPPP88  88  88  8888[     8b       d8  88  88  88       88  8888[      ,adPPPPP88  
88,    ,88  88  88  88`"Yba,  "8a,   ,a8"  88  88  88       88  88`"Yba,   88,    ,88  
`"8bbdP"Y8  88  88  88   `Y8a  `"YbbdP"'   88  88  88       88  88   `Y8a  `"8bbdP"Y8  
Name: alikolinka
Last name : mamedov (took his monkey dads last name 👺)
Age: 50
Phone Number : 0505998111 
Status: Alive
Home Address: Bat yam
Her facebook : https://www.facebook.com/alikolinka.mamedov
Picture : https://scontent.ftlv20-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/79760061_2562053877241132_2620656703191908352_n.jpg?_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=qaArbsg2l0MQ7kNvgFGKETL&_nc_oc=AdhAQcjoUkynNN-KXrEnumIpB36M9c4fyMe84ZNP2MpqccjF490H0mO36RjwwadK2Bc&_nc_ht=scontent.ftlv20-2.fna&oh=00_AfClooC5MNwJ6ymnNShnnQx1gYFsEj8l21HAyTv12j52FA&oe=665DCDAC

    d8'  `8b      ,adPPYba,  8b       d8  ,adPPYYba,  
   d8YaaaaY8b     I8[    ""  `8b     d8'  ""     `Y8  
  d8""""""""8b     `"Y8ba,    `8b   d8'   ,adPPPPP88  
 d8'        `8b   aa    ]8I    `8b,d8'    88,    ,88  
d8'          `8b  `"YbbdP"'      Y88'     `"8bbdP"Y8  

Name: Asya
Last name: Mamadov
Age: 100
Status: Alive
Home Address: georgia
Previous Address: Bat yam
Status: Alive
photo : 

lets move to his freddy krueger looking grandma

       db                             88              
      d88b                            ""              
    d8'  `8b      88,dPYba,,adPYba,   88  8b,dPPYba,  
   d8YaaaaY8b     88P'   "88"    "8a  88  88P'   "Y8  
  d8""""""""8b    88      88      88  88  88          
 d8'        `8b   88      88      88  88  88          
d8'          `8b  88      88      88  88  88          

Name: amir
Last Name: mamedov
Status: Alive
phone : 972525038588
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amirmamedov.mamedov
Picture: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1236277583499235488/1236365289667432588/image.png?ex=6637be67&is=66366ce7&hm=e67f3cb391c27d6c3e415fdc3a14ad7fc0972541ad21562f8f1b86b3c032f808&Phone Number: Unkown :(

now grandpa

88           88                                  
88           ""                                  
88           88  ,adPPYYba,  88,dPYba,,adPYba,   
88           88  ""     `Y8  88P'   "88"    "8a  
88           88  ,adPPPPP88  88      88      88  
88           88  88,    ,88  88      88      88  
88888888888  88  `"8bbdP"Y8  88      88      88  

Name: Liam
Last Name: mamedov
Age: 4
Address: bat yam
Picture: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1236277583499235488/1236365289667432588/image.png?ex=6637be67&is=66366ce7&hm=e67f3cb391c27d6c3e415fdc3a14ad7fc0972541ad21562f8f1b86b3c032f808&
Phone number: Unkown :(