Email: angelbadtime@gmail.com
Name: Nikita
Last name: Maksimovich
Middle name: Stupin
Date of birth: 10/10/2007
Phone: +79773239639
Username: 351370639697
SNILS: 170-477-937 91
ID: 513004456
User ID: 106565668
YandexID: 1116312541
Name: Nikita
Phone: +79773239639
Currency: RUB
Application: superapp_android
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; Redmi Note 9S Build/QKQ1.191215.002; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/91.0.4472.120 Mobile Safari/537.36 yandex-taxi/4.42 .1.121963 Android/10 (Xiaomi; Redmi Note 9S) Superapp/Eats EatsKit/3.0.0
Service: EatsPayments
Status: 3
Moscow city
Street: Borovskoe highway
House: 58k1
Entrance: 3
  Floor: 15
Office: 195
Intercom: 195k4045

Full name: Stupina Victoria Grigorievna
Date of birth: 05/09/1979
Place of birth: Arkalyk city, Turgai region, Kazakh SSR
Address: Russia, Moscow, Borovskoe highway, 58, building 1, apt. 195
Passport: 45 10 241202 Branch for the Novo-Peredelkino district of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the city of Moscow in ZAO 09/06/2009 770-067


Last name: Stupina
Name: Galina
Patronymic: Mikhailovna
Date of birth: 05/23/1958
addresses: Borovskoe Shosse, 5, K.1, apt. 195, Borovskoe Shosse, no. 58, building 1, apt. 195
INN: 773206189574
Phones: +74957316689


Last name: Stupin
Name: Anatoly
Middle name: Petrovich
Date of birth: 01/03/1953
addresses: Borovskoe highway, 58, building 1, apt. 195
INN: 773206145295
Phones: +74957316689


Last name: Stupina
Name: Julia
Patronymic: Anatolyevna
Date of birth: 08/05/1978
addresses: Borovskoe highway, 58, building 1, apt. 195
INN: 773205789120
Phones: +74957316689


Last name: Stupin
Name: Maxim
Patronymic: Anatolyevich
Date of birth: 12/22/1979
addresses: Borovskoe highway, 58, building 1, apt. 195
INN: 773201174782
Phones: +74957316689, +79024593440
Possible transport: A265EA199
Date of birth: 12/22/1979 (44 years old), 08/05/1978 (45 years old), 01/03/1953 (71 years old), 05/23/1958 (65 years old)
Email: 316689@mail.ru
Phone: 79164790815, 84957316689, 79164790816


I will punish the world for its evil, and the wicked for their iniquities, and I will put an end to the arrogance of the proud, and I will destroy the arrogance of the oppressors; I will make people more valuable than pure gold, and men more valuable than the gold of Ophir. Isaiah 13:11–12

And I said: trouble is for me, trouble is for me! alas for me! villains act villainously, and villains act villainously. Horror and pit and noose for you, inhabitant of the earth! Isaiah 24:16