                                                    Owned by Sside and Mr.E
                                                  Put in the bin by Sside ;0
                                                     Our Socials:
                                                   -Sside's Discord: playfabsharedsettings0
                                                   -Mr.E's Discord: tbtmrev6
                                                    Hello Vinny I hope you enjoy ;)
                                              Reason: Dumbass Discord kid that thinks hes tough lmao get put in the bin pussy.
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Address: 5 Leonard Ave #2, Cambridge, MA 02139 

Mom's name: Minna Choi

Mom's Age: 49

All of Minna Choi's nicknames:

-Minna C Ruth • Minna Ruth • Mminna C Ruth • Ruth Minna

All Minna Choi Relatives (Mother, father, sisters, brothers, ETC):

Christopher Choi • Jong Choi • Jong Choi • Jong Choi • Kyung Choi • Margaret Choi • Sebastian Ruth • David Ruth • Edith Ruth • Han Choi • Han Choi • Han Chol • Hanna Choi • Jong Choi

Phone Number's his mom uses:
 (401) 831-2190
(401) 751-3075
(617) 661-2082
(724) 325-2528

past addresses his mom lived at:
5 Leonard Ave, Unit 2
Cambridge MA 02139

4 Barnes St
Providence RI 02906

410 Arbor Springs Plantation Dr
Newnan GA 30265

30 Messer St
Providence RI 02909

18 Methyl St
Providence RI 02906

176 S Angell St
Providence RI 02906

IP Address:

Hostname: c-98-229-89-205.hsd1.ma.comcast.net

Postal Code: 02740

Organization: Comcast Cable

ASN: AS7922 COMCAST-7922

Continent: North America (NA)

Country: United States (US)

Latitude\Longitude: 41.6339 / -70.9406

Region: Massachusetts

City: New Bedford

Face: (copy this in your browser)  https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1148381489151606865/1173819155850469456/IMG_1243.png?ex=6614aec7&is=660239c7&hm=12dba3372c293ddc7e94df32214e2d3d038bead45ef9cb7bcabf0739f459ba8a&

Picture of his House: 

Street View of his House: 
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   ;`::::::`'::::::;;;::::: ,#/  /          DOOO  - Time's up Vinny.
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