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                                                                         | Doxxed By Liquid, Russak, And TheRealOz1p |
                                                                           Dox Created | Tuesday 13 Februar 14:41 uhr

All Old Logins From Him: https://workupload.com/file/8pKk5DrknEx

Name: Vigo Zimmermann (I Think Full name)

Age: 15

Number: +49 176 21190768

Adress: Hauptstraße 81 08261 Schöneck    ///         i think is the old adress                                              

wohnort: Plauen

vigos step dad infos

Name: Tobias Kleiböhmer

email: t.kleiboehmer@gmx.de

Adress: Hauptstraße 81 08261 Schöneck    ///         i think is the old adress

number: 0163 1915221

number: 037464 170946

wohnort: Plauen

instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tobiaskleibohmer/

Buisness: https://discountdays.ru/product/404381072472

netflix: https://ibb.co/GdYJwbF

login: t.kleiboehmer@gmx.de	--321Meins123--

Face: https://ibb.co/bmFbxP5

Face: https://ibb.co/Npbz5St

proof: https://ibb.co/RzFfGdK

Vigos mom

mutter name: jeanette zimmermann

number: 037464170884

number 2: 0163 / 3668219

email: passionepassato@gmx.net

shop:  Hauptstraße 81, 08261 Schöneck/Vogtland  /// https://ibb.co/PjG0fQx

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.de/jeanette3146/jugendstil-fabrikantenvilla-falkenstein/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jeanette.zimmermann.3/

Instagram 2 acc: https://www.instagram.com/jeanettezi1/

instagram buisness: https://www.instagram.com/passionepassato2021/

buisness: https://www.ebay.de/str/passionepassato?_tab=1

Face: https://ibb.co/Q6W8P8M

Face: https://ibb.co/wwVgvr1

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jeanette.zimmermann.3

wohnort: Plauen

Adress: Jeanette Zimmermann
Hauptstr. 81
08261 Schöneck      ///         i think is the old adress

Vigos Brother

Name: Sinan zimmermann

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sinanzimmermann/

new instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sinan707070/

Face: https://imgbb.com


Vigos sister

Name: Lina zimmermann

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