___________                                                                ___________
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                                                                        -->Honestly i dont know atp why im still doxxing ._.
                                                                        -->Target-V8  (i gave you respect and didnt post much due to your fucking autism and you do me like that bet here nigga)
                                                                        -->Enjoy the paste


                                                                                       ║     Table Of contents      ║

                                                                        -->01{A full reasoning behind this dox}
                                                                        -->02{His information}
                                                                        -->03{photos of him}
                                                                        -->04{All his social medias}
                                                                        -->05{His house}
                                                                        -->06{Satalite image of his house}
                                                                        -->07{Any other info}

                                                                                       ║   01 Reasoning             ║
                                  So basically V8 as his username was wanted to basically date a minor yet a blind eye was turned after we told him specifically no sexual content just vanilla
                                  yet him and Alex a 14 year old had done (ERP) which would technically count as cp due to hearing a minor moaning, another reason for him being doxxed
                                  sending nudes (Dick pics) to said 14 year old and she sent some back (We didnt save his dick pic sadly that shit wouldve been funny but its tiny asf)

                                                                                       ║  02 His Information        ║

-->Name Julian Valdez



-->Star sign:Libra                                                                                                        

-->Location:Bronx NYC as of 2024

-->Address:539 W 160th St APT 5A, New York, NY 10032 

-->Lives with:Mom and stepdad                                                                               

-->Issues:Special needs(hes slow medically) and being a pedophile                                           

-->additional information:

-->The parents didnt know he was dating a minor in general he did get grounded as shown in a audio recording

-->he is still in highschool.

--Photos of him Including descriptions


                                                                                       ║  03 His Photos             ║

(Him standing wearing all black)

(His face during the day)


                                                                                       ║  04 His Social medias      ║

-->>Discord:(Username:v8excalibur)(User ID:831161610780409915) (Partial token:ODMxMTYxNjEwNzgwNDA5OTE1)
    (You actually cant do shit with a partial token)

-->>Snapchat:Julianxgames16    (Snapscore:3,101)   








                                                                                       ║  05 His house              ║
-->539 W 160th St APT 5A, New York, NY 10032 


-->built 1910

-->Parcel number:02119006210628455A

-->Value: $288,800  


-->Rent: $2,594 


                                                                                       ║   06 Image of house        ║
                                                 (Image from outfront his house <3)


                                                                                       ║   07 Any other info        ║
Nothing rlly if you want more info dox yourself youll find alot ._. speaking cause his mom is fresh out of prison XD


                                                                                       ║   08 Outro                 ║
I hope you enjoyed the paste his fat ass deserved it