You shall pay for what you've done! They shall not know but seek. May the cold war approach!

Name/s: Georgie Williams - Jordan Williams

Snapchat: jxrdan-willixms
Instagram: jxrdan_willixms
Instagram2: jxrdan.willixms
Instagram3: williams_photographyx
Instagram4: j0rd4n.r0nni3
Facebook: jordan williams
Linktree: jordan.williams2754

Phone Number: +44 7375 411772

Father: mike will williams
Mother: jane williams
Age: 16-17

Location: 6 Willow Cl, Ifton Heath, St Martin's, Oswestry SY11 3EH

Attention seeking bitch all you do is make up fake story's and fake accusation's
you get innocent people hurt and accused all because you want more attention than them
and you get away with it because you dick ride everyone around you so your liked and so 
no one has anything against you all you brag about is yourself and how your doing so amazing
you want to take things from others so badly so take the devils dick...

Ive recently found out they have a friend that helps them spread all these accusation's and he's a little good boy
who's 'never done a bad thing' so everyone take's there side instead of the people that have done nothing wrong
they also like to play with people's head's for months  non stop so bad that some people have hurt themselfs in ways
i will no explain. 

Name: mostafa elsergany

Instagram: safsoofahmed
Snapchat: mo_elsergany
Phone Number: +44 7565 590789