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           ▐        ▐       ▐ ▐          ▐        ▐            ▐                  █    ▐     █    ▐    ▐       ▐ ▐                      ▐                 
Best Viewed at 80% Window Size
DISCLAIMER: United Doxing Co. neither discriminates nor doxes based on race, sexual orientation, religion, disability, etc. United Doxing Co. is 
an organization founded on the principles of integrity, morality, and independence and supports LGBTQ+ / PoC. 

Reason For Dox: Opp and Pedophile
[0x01] General

  Fullname: ROCHELLE  CLERKIN       Reason:
  Firstname: ROCHELLE                 Pedophile thats all you
  Lastname: CLERKIN                   need to know.                 c=====e
  Date of Birth: 11/22/2002                                            H
  Gender: F          ____________   Aliases: Mako10101, Mako10102  _,,_H__
  Age: 21           (__((__((___()                                //|     |
                   (__((__((___()()______________________________// |ACME |
                  (__((__((___()()()-----------------------------'  |_____|

 [0x02] Juice

          .-'       \ ___)        │ Driver License: NOT FOUND
       .-'         \\\            │ State: NOT FOUND
    .-'        ___  \\)           │ Issue Date: NOT FOUND
 .-'          /  (\  |)           │ Expiry Date: NOT FOUND
          __  \  ( | |            │ Note: Womp Womp no DL :(
         /  \  \__'| |            │
        /    \____).-'            │ Phone: (408) 792 8037
      .'       /   |              │  > Cellco dba Verizon Wireless
     /     .  /    |              │
   .'     / \/     |              │ Full Address: 1005 Winsome Ct
  /      /   \     |              │ City: Wayne
        /    /    _|_             │ State: PA
        \   /    /\ /\            │ Zip Code: 19087-2193
         \ /    /__v__\           │ County: Chester
          '    |       |          │
               |     .#|          │ College: Penn State
               |#.  .##|          │ Major: Cybersecuity (SYS ADMIN)
               |#######|          │
               |#######|          │ Face: https://imgur.com/a/X2TdZa2
            <_____________> ___
            |             |/ _ \          .-.
            | SSN:          | |          (o o) Dont mind me!
            | 605-37-9250   |_|          | O \
         ___|             |\___/          \   \
        /    \___________/    \            `~~~'

[0x03] Deeds

Owners: Thomas Clerkin Kimberly Clerkin
Address Line 1: 3217 Bayland DR
Address Line 2: Ocean City , NJ 08226-2108
County: Cape May                              _
Assessed Value: 1224900                      ;`',
Purchase Price: 550000                       `,  `,
Purchase Date: 9/17/2019                      ',   ;   ,,-""==..,
                                               \    ','          \
│  Record Year: 11/04/2021             ,-""'-., ;    '    __.-="-.;
│  FIPS Municipal Code: 34009        ," ,,_    "V      _."
│  Mortgage Value: 0                ;,'   ''-,          "=--,_
│  Mortgage Date:                          ,-''    _  _       `,
│  Mortgage Type:                         /   ,.-+(_)(_)´--.,   ;
│  Mortgage Number:                      ,'  /   ; (_)       `\ ,
│  Mortgage Term:                        ; ,/    ;._.;         ;
│  Mortgage Due:                         !,'     ;   ;
                                         V'      ;   ;
Owners: Kevin J Clerkin Susan P Clerkin          ;._.;
Address Line 1: 125 California ST                ;   ;
Address Line 2: Ridgewood , NJ 07450-1308        ;   ;
County: Bergen                                   ;._.;
Assessed Value: 1000000                          ;   ;
Purchase Price: 1137500                         .´   `.
Purchase Date: 6/10/2019                  __,.--;.___.;--.,___
                                    _,,-""      ;     ;       ""-,,_
│  Record Year: 12/11/2018      .-´´            ;     ;             ``-.
│  FIPS Municipal Code: 34003  ",              ´       `               ,"
│  Mortgage Value: 384000        "-_                                _-"
│  Mortgage Date: 09/04/2018         ``----..,_          __,,..bmw-´
│  Mortgage Type: MG                           ```''''´´´
│  Mortgage Number: 2018.18-069267
│  Mortgage Term: 360 MONTHS
│  Mortgage Due: 01/01/2048


United Doxxing Co™ is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate based on a person's national origin, race, color, religion, disability, sex, and familial status. 
United Doxing Co.™ is a non-profit organization pursuant to section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 ( 26 U.S.C. 501(c) ) and exempt from taxation under section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code ( 26 U.S.C. 501(a) ). 
United Doxing Co.™ does not endorse harassment, stalking, or any other course of conduct that causes substantial emotional distress, physical or psychological harm ( 18 U.S.C. § 1514(d)(1) ).
Copyright © 2024 United Doxing Co. All Rights Reserved.