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【Personal Information】

Name: Tyson Potvin
Age: 16
Country: Canada
Town: Clarence-Rockland, Ontario
Address: 1070 Des Pins Ave
Pic of him: https://youre.insane.rip/uoyemi4p.png
Pic of his house: https://youre.insane.rip/r9ltytij.png

Fathers Name (Unconfirmed): Dominic Potvin

【Social information】

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tyson_potvin
Snapchat: Tyson_potvin
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tysonpotvin20072021?igsh=MTBwajE1NGFsbjk2eA==
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@tysonpotvin5986/featured

【Reason For Dox】

Dates utterly young children (9 Years Of Age)
Fucked a 12 year old
Has ugly ass dogs
Looks like a molerat
Shit talker
Short ass nigga
Has a cringe ass ego and tiktok
Nigga overdosed on his daddy's edibles

♥ We send our regards you miscreant. ♥