[+] First Name         : Yusuf
[+] Last  Name         : Ceyhan
[+] Face               : N/A (will get it as soon as i can !
[+] Phone Number       : +31 6 11246805
[+] Country            : Netherlands
[+] Home Adderess      : Kameelvlinder 4, 3822 AR Amersfoort, Netherlands 
[+] College            : University Amsterdam
[+] College Website    : https://www.uva.nl/
[+] Race               : Turkish
[+] Sex                : Male
[+] Age                : 19
[+] Height             : 1.80 M 
[+] Hair               : Dark
[+] Eyes               : Brown
[+] Snap               : Yusuf2004ceyhan
[+] Phone Number       : +31 6 11246805
[+] Whatsapp           : +31 6 11246805
[+] Other              : Likes to send voice messages of him peeing
                       : Flirts with underage kids
                       : Fights with underage kids in real life and threatens them for no reason at all
[+] Reason             : Keeps on sending peeing voice messages to kids and in group chats on whatsapp and threatens them to kill them / stab them if they dont listen to them and comment. And calls them baby mommy etc.
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