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Title:Tishka LKS Squad
Created:Jan 15th, 2024
Created by: angelofbloodshed
Views: 369
Comments: 1
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Sooner or later I will come. doxed by !「NB」Angel Of Bloodshed x PSIX https://discord.gg/nbclxn Dox Tishka Minecraft youtuber xD.... Bye, Bye.... <------------------------------------------------------------> [✗]Information: [-] Name: КОЛЫЧЕВ ИГОРЬ ИГОРЕВИЧ [-] Number: +79151230424 [-] Age: 16 [-] Date: 18.04.2008 [-] Email: igorkolycev888@gmail.com [-] Country:Россия [-] City: КУРСК [-] Address: КУРСКАЯ ОБЛАСТЬ, ПУЧКОВКА, д.35 or ул. Карла Маркса, 66Д <------------------------------------------------------------> [✗]Family Information: [-] Name: КОЛЫЧЕВ ИГОРЬ АЛЕКСЕЕВИЧ <-------- Father [-] Date: 01.07.1971 <-------- Father [-] Email: knyaz.1971@bk.ru, kolychevi@z.ru, wolychevi@r.ru, kolychev_71@ihbox.ru <-------- Father [-] Number: 79045290909 <-------- Father [-] Passport: 3803907401 <-------- Father [-] Snils: 12855816183 <-------- Father [-] INN: 462901586506 <-------- Father [-] TRANSPORT: Х214МУ43, В272АР46, А277УУ46 <-------- Father <------------------------------------------------------------> [-] Name: Ведуто Светлана Сергеевна <-------- Mother [-] Date: 06.02.1978 <-------- Mother [-] Email: igorkolycev888@gmail.com <-------- Mother [-] Number: 79524903620 <-------- Mother [-] Passport: 3802786729 <-------- Mother [-] Snils: 07125373139 <-------- Mother [-] INN: 463225510559 <-------- Mother <----------------------------------------------->⠀⠀⠀ [-] Name: Мордина Виктория Станиславовна <-------- Sister [-] Date: 01.12.1993 <-------- Sister [-] Email: Vikysic111@yandex.ru, vikusic112@yandex.ru <-------- Sister [-] Number: 79510803339 <-------- Sister [-] Passport: 3814976146 <-------- Sister [-] Snils: 13205928231 <-------- Sister [-] INN: 463309781869 <-------- Sister [-] Car: XTA21124060410969 (VIN) <-------- Sister <----------------------------------------------->⠀⠀⠀ [✗]Social Network: [-] VK1: https://vk.com/id435878054 <-------- Tishka [-] VK2: https://vk.com/id20088428 <-------- Sister [-] Vk3: https://vk.com/id482615381 <-------- Mother [-] VK4: https://vk.com/id444566940 <-------- Father <-------------------------> [✗]Nick Names: [-] Tishka <------------------------->
1 month ago