            │                                                                                      │
            │ Full Name - Thore Sander Jäckel                                                      │
            │ Birthdate: 20.12.2006                                                                │
            │ Address - Alt Frösleer Weg 12D : 24955 Harrislee Germany   Picture Drone of House:     https://prnt.sc/ykersy1zjcvg ; https://prnt.sc/O6Q1NQt8PT3x              │
            │ Phone Number - +49 15165730000                                                       │
            │ Workplace: Fachgroßhandel - Witte GmbH      
              Photo of Him: https://prnt.sc/Vs2hZ-bzmcUZ  I https://prnt.sc/lAgRjAUcYPBT       

            │                                                                                      │
            │ Email Addresses -                                                                    │
            │    - thordergottxd@gmail.com                                                         │
            │ Other Accounts                                                                       │
            │    - https://www.instagram.com/anime_crossing0815/                                   │
            │    - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thordergottdxd/            │               │
            │    -Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChlZVq2anz5GKJNYziJPTjg                │
            │ Dad:                                                                                 │
            │ Full Name Martin Jäckel
              Mom: Christiane Jäckel      
               death notice of his dead Grandpa (Rest in Piss) https://prnt.sc/09faKw75oFJR        │
            │ Phone Number - +49 461 22428                                                         │
            │   Email:mira-edelsteine@t-online.de                                                  │ 
            │   Reason for Dox: He punches his Cat and is maybe zoophile                           │