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Title:Thehuffler Scammer
Created:Jul 22nd, 2020
Created by: Anonymous
Views: 271
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Username: Anonymous - (Login)
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Scammed me and my partner out of money with a fake contract. Ignored as and made us lose money, he's a fucking scamming piece of shit. Username: Thehuffler Real name: Maarten van den Berghe Adress: Prinsenmeers 75, 9200 Dendvermonde, Belgium Mobile phone: +32474435004 Email: maarten@mareva.be (also uses different emails). Image: https://media-exp1.licdn.com/dms/image/C5103AQFsXBQlTX0h_A/profile-displayphoto-shrink_200_200/0?e=1600905600&v=beta&t=CoSxNSypxrx11RJNLZLZ3djcN3V_89Az2zGqum2qMdg Also scams people with this instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/swingtradeanalyses/ He used to be on nulled but got banned after a conflict with a user. Maarten, if you read this, you know who we are and fuck you, we are still going to report you to the police.