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T̶a̶l̶o̶h̶n̶s̶ D̶o̶x̶

26 year old Oscar Cerda, former teacher, caught texting 12/13 year old
innapropriate messages, asking her if she has drugs, sending creepy memes,
indicating intentions of foul play. Asked if he could take a picture of her
with her backpack.. he's finished.

| full_name     | dob         | ssn         |
| Oscar R Cerda | 1997-03-06  | 613-96-4073 |

| address         | city     | state | zip_code |
| 503 Lassen Way  | Oakley   | CA    | 94561    |
| 4224 Kirsten Dr | Stockton | CA    | 95212    |

| phone_number   |
| (209) 696-5726 |
| (209) 696-5727 |
| (209) 373-9439 |                                                      .-""""-.
+----------------+                                                     / j      \
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| username      |                                          .m._       $$         :
+---------------+                                         dSMMSSSss.__$$b.    __ :
| talhons       |                                        :MMSMMSSSMMMSS$$$b  $$P ;
| zZarD_xTriiKz |                                        SMMMSMMSMMMSSS$$$$     :b
+---------------+                                       dSMMMSMMMMMMSSMM$$$b.dP SSb.
                                                       dSMMMMMMMMMMSSMMPT$$=-. /TSSSS.
+------------------------+                            :SMMMSMMMMMMMSMMP  `$b_.'  MMMMSS.
| email                  |                            SMMMMMSMMMMMMMMM \  .'\    :SMMMSSS.
+------------------------+                           dSMSSMMMSMMMMMMMM  \/\_/; .'SSMMMMSSSm
| oscarcerda18@yahoo.com |                          dSMMMMSMMSMMMMMMMM    :.;'" :SSMMMMSSMM;
| shyboy140@netscape.net |                        .MMSSSSnombreMMMMMM;    :.;   MMSMMMMSMMM;
| shyboy140@ymail.com    |                       dMSSMMSSSSSSSMMMMMMM;    ;.;   MMMMMMMSMMM
| shyboyssf@yahoo.com    |                      :MMMSSSSMMMSSP^TMMMMM     ;.;   MMMMMMMMMMM
| trumex14@live.com      |                      MMMSMMMMSSSSP   `MMMM     ;.;   :MMMMMMMMM;
+------------------------+                      "TMMMMMMMMMM      TM;    :`.:    MMMMMMMMM;
                                                   )MMMMMMM;     _/\\    :`.:    :MMMMMMMM
+------------------------+------+                 d$SS$$$MMMb.  |._\\\   :`.:     MMMMMMMM
| family                 | age  |                 T$$S$$$$$$$$$$m;O\\\\"-;`.:_.-  MMMMMMM;
+------------------------+------+                :$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$b_l./\\ ;`.:    mMMSSMMM;
| Rochelle D Cerda       |   45 |                :$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$./\\;`.:  .$$MSMMMMMM
| Jeanette Medrano Cerda |   54 |                 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. \\`.:.$$$$SMSSSMMM;
| Oscar F Cerda          |   49 |                 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. \\.:$$$$$SSMMMMMMM
| Guillermo Cerda        |   27 |                 :$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.//.:$$$$SSSSSSSMM;
+------------------------+------+                 :$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.`.:$$SSSSSSSMMMP
                                                   $$$$$$$$$;"^$J "^$$$$;.`.$$P  `SSSMMMM
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| url                                        |     :$$$$$$$$$;      $$$$;.`/ c^'   d$$$$$S;
+--------------------------------------------+     $$$$$S$$$$;      '^^^:_d$g:___.$$$$$$SSS
| https://kick.com/talohns                   |     $$$$SS$$$$;            $$$$$$$$$$$$$$SSS;
| https://www.youtube.com/user/talentedtalon |    :$$$SSSS$$$$            : $$$$$$$$$$$$$SSS
| https://www.tiktok.com/@talohns            |    :$P"TSSSS$$$            ; $$$$$$$$$$$$$SSS;
| https://twitter.com/Talohns                |    j    `SSSSS$           :  :$$$$$$$$$$$$$SS$
| https://www.instagram.com/Talohns          |   :       "^S^'           :   $$$$$$$$$$$$$S$;
| https://www.twitch.tv/talohns              |   ;.____.-;"               "--^$$$$$$$$$$$$$P
| https://streamlabs.com/talohns             |   '-....-"                       ""^^T$$$$P"
| https://snapchat.com/talentedtalhons       |