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|_______/  \______/ |__/  |__/|__/  |__/|________/|_______/ 
                                                                   paste by - ZaldinF                        

  » Full Name: Steven M Dineff
    » Known as: Azora_20 / AzoraTheDerg			
    » Gender: Male (but he acts like a winy spazzy bitch girl)     
    » Age: 21		
    » Date Of Birth: 07/19/2002	
    » Addresses:  235 Lear RD, AVON LAKE, 44012 GRAFTON Ohio Avon Lake
    » Addresses NOW: 1029 Mechanic St, Grafton, OH, 44044-1445
    » County: Lorain County 
     » Country: USA
      »  High School Attended: Midview Highschool or Avon Lake High School 
           » Address: [current]: 235 Lear RD, AVON LAKE, 44012 Ohio
               » Sexuality: GAY 
                   » Disabilities: Autistic, ADHD, Retarded
Email: stdineff@hotmail.com

his discord is also Azora_20

  »Hobbies: TikTok, Furry
» TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@azorathederg
» 2nd TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@steven_dlneff
» 3rd TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@steven_dinefff
» barq profile: https://old.barq.app/p/FW45nK8 [furry dating app] 
» Twitter Profile: https://twitter.com/Azora_20
» Instagram: https://instagram.com/@azorathederg
» Telegram: https://t.me/Azora_20
» VRCHAT: https://vrchat.com/home/user/usr_4e22d8c2-cf0b-4f75-90c3-2b471508afd5
» PayPal: @StevenDineff
» Cash App: $StevenDineff

REASON OF DOXX: He is an Autistic Drama Queen who attention seeks online, throws hissy fits if he doesn't get his way, he is an ACTUAL PEDOPHILE. He claimed to enjoy
eating children/Vore them for sexual pleasure. Threatened multiple minors over social media, destroyed other relationships, uses his followers to shield themselves against 
them because he's a pussy. 
                                                                     $$ |      \__|          $$  __$$\          
 $$$$$$\   $$$$$$\   $$$$$$\   $$$$$$$\  $$$$$$\  $$$$$$$\   $$$$$$\  $$ |      $$\ $$$$$$$\  $$ /  \__|$$$$$$\  
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$$ |  $$ |$$   ____|$$ |       \____$$\ $$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$  __$$ |$$ |      $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ |     $$ |  $$ |
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$$  ____/  \_______|\__|      \_______/  \______/ \__|  \__| \_______|\__|      \__|\__|  \__|\__|      \______/ 
$$ |                                                                                                             
$$ |                                                                                                             

 » Relative: Pam/Pamela Lynn Dineff
 » Current Address:  235 Lear RD, AVON LAKE, 44012 GRAFTON Ohio Avon Lake
 » Gender: Female 
 » Age: 49 
 » Date Of Birth: 09/12/1974
 » NetWorth: $306,811
 » Country: USA
 » County: Lorain County 
    » Phone Number: 440-288-1842
       »Court of Appeals: 09

Father [deceased]
 » Relative: Steve M Dineff
 » Current Address before death:  235 Lear RD, AVON LAKE, 44012 GRAFTON Ohio Avon Lake
 » Gender: male 
 » Age: 47
 » Date Of Birth: 11/11/1976
 » NetWorth: $195,388
 » Country: USA
 » County: Lorain County 
»  High School Attended: Avon Lake High
 » Job: Railroad constructor
 » Reason of death: Covid 

» Relative: Michael Dineff 
» Country: USA
» Gender: male 

» Other Relatives: Gregory Dineff, Mary Dineff. Tina Taylor, Michael Taylor, Sherman Taylor, Melissa Putt, Nancy Bowyer, James Moore
Jannette Hinzman, Robert Davila, Mark Murphy 

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