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Stephen Newby-Fraser (SNF Plumbers)
Alias/Business Name: SNF Plumbers
Location: Durban North, Durban, South Africa
Contact Information:

Phone: +27 786 355 511
Email: stephen.newbyfraser@gmail.com
Personal Information:
Associated Accounts/Passwords:
Old Passwords:
Business Details
Company Name: SNF Plumbers
Facebook Page: SNF Plumbers
Location: Operates within Durban North, Durban.
Claim: There have been serious allegations regarding Stephen Newby-Fraser, including personal misconduct and failure to uphold professional or personal obligations.

Background Allegation (Unverified):

Accused of child abduction and assault involving a 12-year-old child (victim).
Disclaimer: The uploader does not take responsibility for the accuracy of the claims. All information has been compiled based on publicly available sources.

Important Notes:
Uploader’s Note:
This document has been provided for public awareness. No direct threats or harassment have been encouraged. Any information provided here must be verified independently before any action is taken.