DOX: Splash
User: Sp1lh
Display: Splash
Name: Dominik
Last Name: Kubacki
Age: 17
Occupation: Unemployed
Country: Poland
Lives with: Mother, Father, Sister and Brother
Street: jana kilińskiego
Splash is a backstabbing liar who turns on his friends when see fit. He dms your own friends talking shit about you to gain leverage and also has no real friends. His father + mother has called the authorities multiple
times on him for numerous amount of reasons. He has never worked a day in his life and is now 17 rotting away in his parents house playing games such as rocket league with no real future ahead of him. From my own
experience, I have seen Dominik try to lie and control others by making them believe they have done something (gaslight) in order to gain leverage. He believes he is always in the right even though he is normally in
the wrong.
Doxxed by Blackout