* You can add and play with the dox if you like. . . ------------------------------------------------------------ Dropped by: Priv8 ------------------------------------------------------------ Reason for Dox: Let say she actually exploit and manipulate people. Especially manipulate guys so she can get more attention and fame with her beauty. This female fake alot and also is a huge asian wannabe and also a fucking weeb. This is what you get messing with the wrong person. If you read this post I'm still going after you, and I have been researching every footprint you make offline as well. ~ Priv8 ------------------------------------------------------------ Personal Information: Full Name: Sofie Solvang Race: European / Russian Age: 19 ( Born 23 May Year 2000 ) Alias: pewdiecuties Currently lives in Groningen ( Netherland ) ------------------------------------------------------------ Contact information: Phone Number: +82 010-5199-5095 <- South Korean mobile Number Email: bloomsofie@gmail.com:vocaloid23 Hashed Password: pbkdf2_sha256$20000$2D8enzEBxpG3$ZaenYqwDS6eoDufTSbjlEgDQyQ/ki7RV6kWDO1JWT90= Email: bloomsofie@mail.ru:Fp9aeDomA7o= Email: bloomsofie@hotmail.no Email:bloomsofie@yahoo.com / Username:bloomsofia / Hashed Password: 889352659d9e256aa40d5b38e3e4d237 ------------------------------------------------------------ Location Information: Address: Alf Prøysens vei 14 3613 Kongsberg * Kongsberg, Norway // Denmark City: Kongsberg Country: Norway Zip: 3613 Nationality: Norwegian / Dutch / Russian Location: https://www.gulesider.no/olga+solvang+kongsberg/75307978/person Print shot MAP: http://prntscr.com/sqcghi Drop Alternative Map ( Possible Address ) https://www.gulesider.no/olga+solvang+bardu/74405457/person https://www.gulesider.no/olga+r%C3%B8ken+solbergelva/116400598/person ------------------------------------------------------------ Social Media Accounts: 9gag: https://9gag.com/u/pewdiecuties Twitter: https://twitter.com/pewdiecuties Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pewdiecuties Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/pewdiecuties Main Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pewdiecuties/ Private Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sofiesprivat_/ ifitt: https://ifttt.com/p/pewdiecuties <- Hacked ( DELETED ACCOUNT ) TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@pewdiecuties smule: https://www.smule.com/pewdiecuties/ Interpal: https://www.interpals.net/pewdiecuties moddb: https://www.moddb.com/members/pewdiecuties VSCO: https://vsco.co/pewdiecuties/gallery ( Literally pictures dump real time ) LINE: http://line.me/R/ti/p/~pewdiecuties // http://line.me/R/ti/p/~bloomsofie ------------------------------------------------------------ Digital Foot Prints: Weebly: https://buycookies-changealife.weebly.com/kontakt-oss.html 1. http://prntscr.com/sqcjza 2. http://prntscr.com/sqckf1 3. https://prezi.com/4gl3exj4j6zh/tok/ ------------------------------------------------------------ LIFE EVENTS NOTES 2019 ~ 2022: Studies BSc Psychology at University of Groningen 2019: Started studying at University of Groningen 2018: Moved to Quezon City, Philippines -> Graduated from International School of Busan 2015: Moved to Busan, South Korea -> Started studying at International School of Busan -> Left Kongsberg International School 2014: Started studying at Kongsberg International School -> Left Bilkent Laboratory and International School -> Moved to Kongsberg, Norway 2013: Had Braces Removed 2011: Moved to Ankara, Turkey -> Got a Pet x 2 -> Started studying at Bilkent Laboratory and International School -> Left Kongsberg International School 2000: First flight ------------------------------------------------------------ DUMPING THEIR FAMILY MEMBERS 1. Lucy Solvang: https://www.facebook.com/lucy.solvang 2. Mercy Solvang: https://www.facebook.com/mercy.solvang 3. Kjetil Palmesen Solvang: https://www.facebook.com/kjetil.p.solvang 4. Kristin Palmesen Solvang: https://www.facebook.com/kristin.p.solvang 5. Hannah Solvang Kultima: https://www.facebook.com/hannah.kultima 6. William Solvang: https://www.facebook.com/william.solvang.5 7. Olga Solvang: https://www.facebook.com/olga.solvang 8. Geir Solvang: https://www.facebook.com/geir.solvang.9 9. Williams Solvang: https://www.facebook.com/williams.solvang.7 ------------------------------------------------------------