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The security contractor for Joe Rogan's Comedy Mothership preys on young underage girls. He brings them to the comedy club to impress them, gives them money, gets them drunk just so that he can sleep them them. He had no friends in high school and only dated ugly women. Now he abuses his status to prey on weak girls. His current victim is 20 but he takes her places where he can get her in to get her drunk and sleep with her.

Arturo Vera Jr
Alias: Art
Age 31, 
Born August 19th 1992
Lives in Austin, TX
Picture: https://files.offshore.cat/tyupcHvd.jpg

Mobile: 806-503-9444

----====CURRENT VICTIM====---
Messages with Arturo: https://files.offshore.cat/Skd0GNI3.png
Victim age proof: https://files.offshore.cat/ban9IAi7.jpg
Victim IMAGE: https://files.offshore.cat/jrIdQFy5.png
Victim  IMAGE: https://files.offshore.cat/sSnG8xQW.png

5831 Brittlyns Ct
Austin, TX 78730

2211 Old Lehmann Rd
Seguin, TX 78155

Verintegra Security & Investigations
8911 N Capital of Texas Hwy Suite 4200-057, Austin, TX 78759

Austin Security Guard Service
106 E 6th St 900 -184, Austin, TX 78701

Chicago Police Academy
Law Enforcement Certification , Criminal Justice/Police Science

Western Illinois University
Bachelor of Science - BS, Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration

Kapitus Servicing, Inc. v. Verintegra Security & Investigations, Austin Security Guard Service; and Arturo Vera
Plaintiff says the Texas business is in default of a forward purchase agreement and seeks judgment in the principal amount of $182,038.
Attorneys: Nhon H. Nguyen, Timothy A. Hennigan and Charles D. Waters of Nguyen|Ballato
Filed: 10/3/2023