____ _ _ | _ \ _____ _| |__ (_)_ __ | | | |/ _ \ \/ / '_ \| | '_ \ | |_| | (_) > <| |_) | | | | | |____/ \___/_/\_\_.__/|_|_| |_|
Title:Samuel Mereu
Created:Jul 6th, 2024
Created by: Xenn_
Views: 1,445
Comments: 32
Edited at: Jul 9th, 2024
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
Please note that all posted information is publicly available and must follow our TOS.
Dropped by Xenn _____ | __ \ | |__) |___ __ _ ___ ___ _ __ | _ // _ \/ _` / __|/ _ \| '_ \ | | \ \ __/ (_| \__ \ (_) | | | | |_| \_\___|\__,_|___/\___/|_| |_| This piece of shit has thrown an innocent 2 month old black cat from a cliff laughing with his friends. All this happened in Via Torino 54, Lanusei ____ _ _ __ | _ \ (_) (_) / _| | |_) | __ _ ___ _ ___ _ _ __ | |_ ___ | _ < / _` / __| |/ __| | | '_ \| _/ _ \ | |_) | (_| \__ \ | (__ | | | | | || (_) | |____/ \__,_|___/_|\___| |_|_| |_|_| \___/ Name: Samuel Surname: Mereu Gender: Male Age: 17 Date of birth: 9/02/2007 Sexual orientation: straight Race: White Height: 5'6 Weight status: 63 kg Eye color: brown Faceshape: round _ _ _ | | | | (_) | | ___ ___ __ _| |_ _ ___ _ __ | | / _ \ / __/ _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \ | |___| (_) | (_| (_| | |_| | (_) | | | | |______\___/ \___\__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_| Country: Italy Region: Sardinia City: Nuoro, Sardinia Location: Ilono, Nuoro, Sardinia Postal code: 08040 Address: Via Magenta, 17, 08040 Ilbono NU _____ _ _ / ____| | | | | | | ___ _ __ | |_ __ _ ___| |_ | | / _ \| '_ \| __/ _` |/ __| __| | |___| (_) | | | | || (_| | (__| |_ \_____\___/|_| |_|\__\__,_|\___|\__| Phone number: Emails: samuelmereu@gmail.com samumereu@hotmail.com mereusamuel@yahoo.com _____ _ _ / ____| | | | | | (___ ___| |__ ___ ___ | | \___ \ / __| '_ \ / _ \ / _ \| | ___) | (__| | | | (_) | (_) | | |_____/ \___|_| |_|\___/ \___/|_| Past / Current: IANAS Ipsia Agrario Nautico Alberghiero Sociosanitario _____ _ _ __ __ _ _ / ____| (_) | | | \/ | | (_) | (___ ___ ___ _ __ _| | | \ / | ___ __| |_ __ _ \___ \ / _ \ / __| |/ _` | | | |\/| |/ _ \/ _` | |/ _` | ___) | (_) | (__| | (_| | | | | | | __/ (_| | | (_| | |_____/ \___/ \___|_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|\___|\__,_|_|\__,_| Facebook: @samuel.mereu.96 Skype: samumereu12 TikTok: @samuel.mereu _____ _ _ _ | __ \ | | | | (_) | |__) |___| | __ _| |_ ___ _____ ___ | _ // _ \ |/ _` | __| \ \ / / _ \/ __| | | \ \ __/ | (_| | |_| |\ V / __/\__ \ |_| \_\___|_|\__,_|\__|_| \_/ \___||___/ Mom: Caterina Piras Dad: Sandro Mereu Brother: Giampietro mereu __ ___ _ \ \ / (_) | | \ \ / / _ __| | ___ ___ \ \/ / | |/ _` |/ _ \/ _ \ \ / | | (_| | __/ (_) | \/ |_|\__,_|\___|\___/ Video of him throwing the cat: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeG2771J/ In case the video gets banned type your social media name in the comments and i will send it to you. ______ _ _ | ____| (_) | | | |__ _ __ _ ___ _ __ __| |___ | __| '__| |/ _ \ '_ \ / _` / __| | | | | | | __/ | | | (_| \__ \ |_| |_| |_|\___|_| |_|\__,_|___/ Closest friends: Sara Tagliaferri Alessia Barili (Samuel has thrown the cat while those bitches were laughing) ______ _ | ____| | | | |__ _ __ __| | | __| | '_ \ / _` | | |____| | | | (_| | |______|_| |_|\__,_| Note: The Address might not be 100% that one. So do whatever you want, i am not responsible. Doxxed by Xenn
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