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Personal Infomation ---
Name: Salah
Age: 17
Height: 1,65 / 5.3 FT
Country: Germany
City: Berlin
Number: +49 176 32798319
Phone Number: 0176 32798319
Parents from: Palestine
Siblings: 1 boy 2 Years Old, 1 Girl 19 Years old
Place of Residence: Märkisches Viertel, Berlin

Social Medias ---
Discord User: Soloxdev
Discord ID: 1182700436260667437
His Discord Server: https://discord.gg/VY3bsFcSrC
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soloxdev
Snapchat: creed.886

Picture of him 6 years ago: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/794952975729819738/1227516999974912103/2vJEl7a.jpg?ex=6628b14a&is=66163c4a&hm=ce7ba85db8f6fc904ed4bda996ea58938c7ad4fcc0967c5aea4afecc91f45f44&

Pictures of the Chat with a 13yo Girl ---

Reasons ---
Think's he is the smartest person alive
Want's to r@pe young Kids
imagnie himself f**king young kids
Spreads false information about People Including me

Right now he is spreading misinformation about me (elmessa) dont let you get fooled by him.
He is very immature.
He can't privat talk without people around him giving him Points.

Berolinastr. 8
10178 Berlin
Tel.: +49 [30] / 2465740 Fax: +49 [30] / 24657428
E-Mail: sekretariat@charlotte-pfeffer-schule.de

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