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Greetings everyone, i am 0x641337! This paste includes information which were gathered personally from me using some osint tools! I would like to add that the following information about this person are 100% legally gathered and obtained.
They are public information which the person has a contract which they are posted on a public database and some of them are from their social medias too which are public too.
0x1 - Personal Information  |
First Name : Maria (Μαρία)
Last Name : Triantafyllou (Τριανταφύλλου)
Home Address with house number included : Aiglhs 2 (Αίγλης 2)
City : Khfisia (Κηφισιά)
Postal Code : 14564
0x2 - Phone Number Information  |
ISP : COSMOTE GR (https://www.cosmote.gr/hub/)
ISP's usual Country Code : +30
Phone Number's Country Code : +30
Full Phone Number : +30 697 182 1552 
Phone Number without the country code : 6971821552
0x3 - Social Media Information  |
Instagram Username : maria_triantafyllou_
Instagram Profile Link : https://www.instagram.com/maria_triantafyllou_/
Tiktok Username : _triantafyllouu_
Tiktok Profile Link : https://www.tiktok.com/@_triantafyllouu_
Discord Username : r0salia
Spotify Profile Link : https://open.spotify.com/user/triantafylloumaria5?si=levmEINUTWq2mz2aBcubpw&nd=1
0x4 - Addon Information  |
Her parents are 100% divorced , her father abandoned her and her mother completely for multiple reasons. She is currently living with her mother even if her mother has a lot of money. The reason behind why she is not renting a house is 
because she wants to spend her money ordering fast food because she wakes up everyday knowing she is a failure , she does not have a boyfriend , knowing that she won't do anything well in her life and she will be a completely nothing.
She is not looking for herself, she is not eating healthy , she does not go to the gym and she is just a fatass which is spoiled by her mother (no hate to other fat people expect from the ones which are my opps.).