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Title:Ripborah Dox By NekoLolis
Created:Apr 8th, 2023
Created by: NekoLolis
Views: 395
Comments: 1
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
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╔═══════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Table Of Contents ║ ╚═══════════════════════════════════════╝ ╔═══════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Borah Dox 2023 ║ ║ 0x01 = Introduction/About ║ ║ 0x02 = The Dox/Personal Info ║ ║ 0x03 = Misc/Outro ║ ║ Date: 26/01/2023 ║ ╚═══════════════════════════════════════╝ ╔═══════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Section: 0x01 ║ ╚═══════════════════════════════════════╝ Bullied reject. Emo mixed kid that slits his wrists with broken glass found in his house. ╔═══════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Section: 0x02 ║ ╚═══════════════════════════════════════╝ IP Address: Name: Jeremiah Dad (or Grandpa): Juan Borge, Age 62 Address: 6179 Laurel Ln #D Tamarac, FL 33319 Phone Number: (954) 508-1531 Mums Number: (954) 643-1168 Emails: jjbgrant2012@icloud.com grantdemonkv2@gmail.com vmoney954@icloud.com 0618006516@my.browardschools.com Cookies: https://gofile.io/d/HaFFuS Passwords: https://gofile.io/d/W6Yecq ╔═══════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Section: 0x03 ║ ╚═══════════════════════════════════════╝ Doxxed, by NekoLolis + Darksy. .x~~"*Weu. d8Nu. 9888c 88888 98888 .o@8 "***" 9888% .o@8888% ..@8*" .o@8888%" ````"8Weu 8888R" .. ?8888L "*8888bu. :@88N '8888N ^"*8888bu. *8888~ '8888F ^%*888 '*8"` 9888% ^% `~===*%"` ..... ... ... .. ... .. . .x+=:. .H8888888x. '`+ .=*8888n.."%888: < .z@8"` .zf"` `"tu x .d88" @88> z` ^% :888888888888x. ! .u . u. .. . : X ?8888f '8888 !@88E u. x88 '8N. u. 5888R %8P . <k 8~ `"*88888888" .d88B :@8c ...ue888b .888: x888 x888. 88x. '8888X 8888> .u '888E u ...ue888b 888k d88& ...ue888b '888R . .@8Ned8" ! . `f"""" ="8888f8888r 888R Y888r ~`8888~'888X`?888f` '8888k 8888X '"*8h. ud8888. 888E u@8NL 888R Y888r 8888N. @888F 888R Y888r 888R .@88u .@^%8888" ~:...-` :8L <)88: 4888>'88" 888R I888> X888 888X '888> "8888 X888X .xH8 :888'8888. 888E`"88*" 888R I888> `88888 9888% 888R I888> 888R ''888E` x88: `)8b. . :888:>X88! 4888> ' 888R I888> X888 888X '888> `8" X888!:888X d888 '88%" 888E .dN. 888R I888> %888 "88F 888R I888> 888R 888E 8888N=*8888 :~"88x 48888X ^` 4888> 888R I888> X888 888X '888> =~` X888 X888X 8888.+" 888E~8888 888R I888> 8" "*h=~ 888R I888> 888R 888E %8" R88 < :888k'88888X .d888L .+ u8888cJ888 X888 888X '888> :h. X8*` !888X 8888L 888E '888& u8888cJ888 z8Weu u8888cJ888 888R 888E @8Wou 9% d8888f '88888X ^"8888*" "*888*P" "*88%""*88" '888!` X888xX" '8888..: '8888c. .+ 888E 9888. "*888*P" ""88888i. Z "*888*P" .888B . 888& .888888P` :8888! ?8888> "Y" 'Y" `~ " `"` :~`888f '*888*" "88888% '"888*" 4888" 'Y" " "8888888* 'Y" ^*888% R888" ` ^"F X888! 8888~ "" `"` "YP' "" "" ^"**"" "% "" '888 X88f '%8: .8*" ^----~"` .... .. .x+=:. .xH888888Hx. < .z@8"` z` ^% .. .H8888888888888: .u . !@88E . <k @L 888*"""?""*88888X u .d88B :@8c '888E u .@8Ned8" 9888i .dL 888 'f d8x. ^%88k us888u. ="8888f8888r 888E u@8NL .@^%8888" `Y888k:*888. 888 '> <88888X '?8 .@88 "8888" 4888>'88" 888E`"88*" x88: `)8b. 888E 888I 888 `:..:`888888> 8> 9888 9888 4888> ' 888E .dN. 8888N=*8888 888E 888I 8888888888888 `"*88 X 9888 9888 4888> 888E~8888 %8" R88 888E 888I 8888888888888 .xHHhx.." ! 9888 9888 .d888L .+ 888E '888& @8Wou 9% 888E 888I 888 X88888888hx. ..! 9888 9888 ^"8888*" 888E 9888. .888888P` x888N><888' 888 ! "*888888888" "888*""888" "Y" '"888*" 4888" ` ^"F "88" 888 888 ^"***"` ^Y" ^Y' "" "" 88F 98" ./" ~`
1 year ago