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Reason for dox: fuck this bitch ass pussy, he kept fucking with me thinking hes hard

----- REV --------

Full Name : Jacob S Hembree

Address: 3209 Anthony Dr, Sherman
State: TX
Zip: 76865
Country: United States
Full: 3209 Anthony Dr, Sherman, TX 75092
Birthday: July 2, 2008
Age: 15
Height 5'9

 --- Unkown Info ---
 99% Chance he goes to Sherman High School.

------ Family Members --------
 --- Mother ---
    Mothers Name: Christiansen Hembree
    Almost full SSN: 648-30- no more ssn
    Birthday: April 14, 1986
    Age: 28 years old
 --- Father ---
 Found no information on father, but i do know he has a father because i heard him once.

--- House ---

Sold price : $344,500
Rooms: 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms
Size: 2,509 sqft
Build Date: 1975
Date Bought : 2/15/2019