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 Dox By: SSHchatGoneWild#6974

  Acting super cocky, Banned me and my members from his server with no proof. Him and his owner friend are both rumored to be pedos, and one of the owners was actually 
  banned on other servers for speaking to underage girls in a sexual manner.
 [Basic Info]
 ➤Name: Tanner Vanderley
 alias/Minecraft IGN: "Reap_9"
 ➤Address: 4643 E Carmen St Phoenix, AZ 85044

 ➤Namemc: https://namemc.com/profile/Reap_9.1
 UUID: 3184823d-fcca-47e3-9a93-2c95ec02f786

 ➤Discord: Reap#0001

 ➤School: Desert Vista Highschool Phoenix, AZ
 School Adress: 16440 S 32nd St, Phoenix, AZ 85048

 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tjvanderley/
 Snapchat: https://t.snapchat.com/iuL2yumO

 (Rumored to be gay)
                                   Family Info
 ➤[Mom] Name: Cori Jo Vanderley
 ➤Age: 50 years old

 ➤Location: Phoenix, AZ
 ➤Phone Numbers (Unconfirmed): (480) 705-6061, (313) 824-1789, (480) 659-3100, (480) 659-3000
 ➤Address (Confirmed): 4643 E Carmen St Phoenix, AZ 85044 
 ➤Emails: musiccori@gmail.com, cnickell@juno.com, cori.vanderley@horizonclc.org, musiccori@aol.com
 ➤Socials: Instagram https://www.instagram.com/musiccori/
 ➤Job: Desert Vista Highschool girls Chorus teacher https://thunderband.org/

 ➤IRL's: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/891602353709531179/1004545658713296956/116052967_760099411418292_1565721479096166084_n.jpg

 ➤Education: Arizona State University 
 Degree Master of Music, Vocal Music Education
 Dates attended Jan 2000 - Dec 2006
 Calvin College
 Degree Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Music Education 
 Dates attended Jan 1990 - Dec 1994
 ➤Additional Information: Frequently travels to San Antonio Texas to visit her daughter. Also, weirdly in love with animals. 
 ➤[Dad] Name: Bradley John Vanderley
 ➤Age: 52 Years Old

 ➤Location: Phoenix, AZ

 ➤Address: 4643 E Carmen St Phoenix, AZ 85044

 ➤Phone Number (confirmed): (480) 580-6061

 ➤Wife: Cori Jo Vanderley

 ➤Email: cnickell@juno.com
 The Registered Agent on file for this company is Bradley John Vanderley and is located at 4643 E Carmen, 
 Phoenix, AZ 85044. The company's mailing address is 4643 E Carmen, Phoenix, AZ 85044.
  		Type Contractor
  		License #174676
  		Expiration 05/31/2022
  		4643 E Carmen St
  		Phoenix, AZ 85044
 ➤[Sister]: Natalie R Vanderley

 ➤Age: 20
 ➤Location: San Antonio Texas
 ➤From: Phoenix, Arizona

 ➤College: UTSA The University of Texas at San Antonio

 Facebook https://www.facebook.com/natalie.vanderley.33/map
 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/nrvanderley/

 ➤Job: Husbandry Assistant at SeaWorld San Antonio

 ➤IRL: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/891602353709531179/1004546363960332378/nat.jpg

 ➤Additional Information: Lives at 4643 E Carmen St Phoenix, AZ 85044 when not attending college at 
  The University of Texas at San Antonio.
│                                                 Outro                                                     |
                                          • #BLM                       
                                          • credits to "SSHchatGoneWild#6974" for the starting info.  
        /\    ,,,    /\                   • Dox made by SSHchatGoneWild#6974 
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