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 ╬═╬ ☻/ the time has arived florin 

Florin salam the leader  of muc ( alex maior ) 
username:Florin salam  (  that s his discord also ) 
Name: Alex Maior
locatie Nadab, Arad, Romania
mail alex29@gmail.com
photo of him:https://imgur.com/a/WoVd0H9
hes homoxeual don t mind please

facebook: https://www.facebook.com/razvan.maior.79025?comment_id=Y29tbWVudDo4MzY3NTE1NzQ3MDMyMDFfMjU2NTk1MDcwNDM3NDE2
Name: Razvan  Maior
emails: maiorviorel@yahoo.com
photo of him: https://imgur.com/a/bdQqn4l
Chicken and pigs of father he s a farmer broke boy

Name: Viorel Maior
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/viorel.maior.71/photos ( father ) 
emails: maiorviorel@yahoo.com
city: Arad
country: Romania
continent: Europe
latLong: 46.1839,21.3229
accuracy_radius: 20
photo s of him:https://imgur.com/a/ApCwoO8
Chicken and pigs of father hes a farmer broke boy

Name: Felicia Viorel Maior  ( dirt lover ) 
photo s of her:https://imgur.com/a/EvMfvMh

Reason of dox:Toxic mf owner of rust clan ''muc'' only 10x players that can t play on vanila and 500  and below players  that can t spray with  ak  only using scrips etc 
hes also a pig/farm animals lover like his dad . cried  when we  had his photo on a  discord pfp.

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|            |DOX BY WEAK AND GS CLAN|       |
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