▓│              ...::[ SCROLL DOWN TO VIEW PASTE ]::...                 │▓
▓│                  ...::[ DOWNLOAD LINK BELOW ]::...                   │▓
▓│         https://www.mediafire.com/folder/pi7mdz4omjjtn/Dox           │▓
──────┘      ░░       ("Scroll down to view paste"):      ░░     └──────
│         doxxed by iihub nigger https://discord.gg/24gP5pdYsh         │
   ___ ___ __  __ ___ _____ ___  __  __ ___   ___   _____  __         
  / __| __|  \/  / __|_   _/ _ \|  \/  | __| |   \ / _ \ \/ /         
 | (_ | _|| |\/| \__ \ | || (_) | |\/| | _|  | |) | (_) >  <          
  \___|___|_|  |_|___/ |_| \___/|_|__|_|___| |___/ \___/_/\_\   _ ___ 
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 | _ \\ V /  | || / _ \  >  <  >  <  >  <  / / | | | || __ | |_| | _ \
 |___/ |_|    \__/_/ \_\/_/\_\/_/\_\/_/\_\/_/ |___|___|_||_|\___/|___/
                        ██    ███            ███   ███                         
                        ████  ███            ███  ████                         
                        ██████ ██            ███ █████                         
                        ██████ ██             ██ █████                         
                         ███   ███            ███ ████                         
                         █████████      █████████                              
                        ██████████     ██████████                              
                         ██              ███                                   
 ~ by jaxxx/iihub ~

 ▓│                ...::[ Table Of Contents / Info ]::...               │▓
 ──────┘      ░░          0x1 ~ device                     ░░     └──────
 │                        0x2 ~ personal info                           │
 │                        0x3 ~ location                                │
 │                        0x4 ~ social media                            │                


 $$$$$$\              $$\   
$$$ __$$\           $$$$ |  
$$$$\ $$ |$$\   $$\ \_$$ |  
$$\$$\$$ |\$$\ $$  |  $$ |  
$$ \$$$$ | \$$$$  /   $$ |  
$$ |\$$$ | $$  $$<    $$ |  
\$$$$$$  /$$  /\$$\ $$$$$$\ 
 \______/ \__/  \__|\______|

Public IP Address: -
Browser: ----------- Mobile Safari (17.6)
Operating System: -- Mac 10.15.7
Device: ------------ Apple iPhone
User Agent: -------- Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.6 Safari/605.1.15
Host Name: --------- syn-066-025-137-043.res.spectrum.com
Org: --------------- AS11427 Charter Communications Inc
ASN: --------------- 11427


 $$$$$$\             $$$$$$\  
$$$ __$$\           $$  __$$\ 
$$$$\ $$ |$$\   $$\ \__/  $$ |
$$\$$\$$ |\$$\ $$  | $$$$$$  |
$$ \$$$$ | \$$$$  / $$  ____/ 
$$ |\$$$ | $$  $$<  $$ |      
\$$$$$$  /$$  /\$$\ $$$$$$$$\ 
 \______/ \__/  \__|\________|

Race: -------------- Black
Gender: ------------ Male
Pronouns: ---------- He/Him/His
Email: ------------- Gemstoneyy@gmail.com, hay•••••••••@gmail.com
Phone: ------------- +1 (•••) •••-••79
Face: -------------- https://postimg.cc/FkFtc1wx


 $$$$$$\            $$$$$$\  
$$$ __$$\          $$ ___$$\ 
$$$$\ $$ |$$\   $$\\_/   $$ |
$$\$$\$$ |\$$\ $$  | $$$$$ / 
$$ \$$$$ | \$$$$  /  \___$$\ 
$$ |\$$$ | $$  $$< $$\   $$ |
\$$$$$$  /$$  /\$$\\$$$$$$  |
 \______/ \__/  \__|\______/ 

Country: ----------- United States/US
Region: ------------ Texas
City: -------------- Wylie
Continent: --------- North America
Timezone: ---------- GMT-4 (America/New York)
Postal Code: ------- 75098


 $$$$$$\            $$\   $$\ 
$$$ __$$\           $$ |  $$ |
$$$$\ $$ |$$\   $$\ $$ |  $$ |
$$\$$\$$ |\$$\ $$  |$$$$$$$$ |
$$ \$$$$ | \$$$$  / \_____$$ |
$$ |\$$$ | $$  $$<        $$ |
\$$$$$$  /$$  /\$$\       $$ |
 \______/ \__/  \__|      \__|


<<< DISCORD >>>
Username: ---------- tealquarter
Display Username: -- GemstoneAnimates
User ID: ----------- 1207860238288429090
Joined: ------------ Fri, 16 Feb 2024 01:25:21 UTC
Profile Picture: --- https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/1207860238288429090/f21068ecb5381eebffb228e0590135b6.png?size=1024

<<< YOUTUBE >>>
Channel Link: ------ https://www.youtube.com/@QuarTheQuarter
Channel Name: ------ GemstoneAnimates
Channel Handle: ---- @QuarTheQuarter
Channel ID: -------- UCnaawN9tZ-I7VzE-QQdF0Kw
Channel PFP: ------- https://yt3.ggpht.com/AkLte1_rA2yMHsJ381P0qm6a-2ypCvQ09EWN-2ePH4me42dEXlvfvMqaSIUruCRgeAPObo4zAuQ=s88-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj
Channel Banner: ---- https://yt3.googleusercontent.com/62rVO5EKSyOc0NiuqW0VTjQD8s-VHy2vWIH9vWwNbtexFEX8vyaoHX2MJNB2nfyH4Ss45FpNwuM=w1707-fcrop64=1,00005a57ffffa5a8-k-c0xffffffff-no-nd-rj
Subscribers: ------- 232
Joined: ------------ 15/06/2020, 12:35:51 pm
Total Grade: ------- C
SFTL3D: ------------ -3

<<< ROBLOX >>>
Profile Link: ------ https://www.roblox.com/users/1607764349/profile
Username: ---------- isaiahStinka
Display Username: -- Coolizetolol42
Friends: ----------- 180
Followers: --------- 3
Following: --------- 25
Join Date: --------- 5/4/2020
Badges: ------------ Friendship, Veteran
Game(s): ----------- isaiahStinka's Place (https://www.roblox.com/games/4981379058)

<<< TWITTER/X >>>
Profile Link: ------ https://x.com/Superizetoross
Handle: ------------ @Superizetoross
Display Name: ------ TealEmerald
Following: --------- 65
Followers: --------- 13
Tweets: ------------ 128
Joined: ------------ Joined: 12/5/2021
Profile Picture: --- https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1867042104116981760/1-i3h--W_400x400.jpg
Profile Banner: ---- https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/1467246031045898245/1694317236


|                              End of Dox                              |