Enjoy it retards                                                           
 [0x01] General                                                            
  Fullname: CONNOR BELL             Reason:                                
  Firstname: CONNOR                 A retard 5c member                     
  Lastname: BELL                                                  c=====e  
  Date of Birth: 2005                                                  H   
  Gender: M          ____________   Aliases: Pristine, M9J,        _,,_H__ 
  Age: 19           (__((__((___()           Connor132            //|     |
                   (__((__((___()()______________________________// |ACME |
                  (__((__((___()()()-----------------------------'  |_____|
 [0x02] Juice                                                              
          .-'       \ ___)        │ Phone: 0485 973 106                    
       .-'         \\\            │  > Pivotel Satellite Pty Limited       
    .-'        ___  \\)           │                                        
 .-'          /  (\  |)           │ Full Address: 87 Edward Bennett Dr     
          __  \  ( | |            │ City: Cherrybrook                      
         /  \  \__'| |            │ State: NSW                             
        /    \____).-'            │ Zip Code: 2126                         
      .'       /   |              │                                        
     /     .  /    |              │ College: UNKNOWN                       
   .'     / \/     |              │ Major: Computer Science                
  /      /   \     |              │                                        
        /    /    _|_             │ Face: https://imgur.com/a/rnJea6u      
        \   /    /\ /\                                                     
         \ /    /__v__\                                                    
          '    |       |                                                   
               |     .#|             .-.                                   
               |#.  .##|            (o o) Not much information!            
               |#######|            | O \                                  
               |#######|             \   \                                 
             _____________            `~~~'                                
            <_____________> ___                                            
            |             |/ _ \                                           
            |               | |                                            
            |               |_|                                            
         ___|             |\___/                                           
        /    \___________/    \                                            

Reminder dont fuck with Vortex.