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                                                          ,::::::;::::::;;;;::::;,   /  /        DDOX
                                                         ;`::::::`'::::::;;;::::: ,#/  /          DDOX             Elias, has sadly done too much
                                                         :`:::::::`;::::::;;::: ;::#  /            DDOX
                                                         ::`:::::::`;:::::::: ;::::# /              DDO                  
                                                         `:`:::::::`;:::::: ;::::::#/               XDD
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                                                           Dropped by sry_rejoin
                                                           Reason for Dox: "Playboy" that loves too abuse girls for money, satisfy his sexual needs or
                                                                            just breaking their hearts for his poor ego, thinks he´s cool that hes an bad person and
                                                                            abuser. also he loves to tell girls too harm themselve or makes fun of dead family members when they reject him.
                                                                            sometimes he just calls himself a "Playboy" 
                                                           *Personal Information:
                                                           Full Name: Elias Johan Pokorny
                                                           Phone Number: +49 1515 9486642
                                                           Email: pokornytim751@gmail.com 
                                                           Password: xaver1234QQ 
                                                           Picture: https://files.catbox.moe/00wt9q.jpg 
                                                           Alias: ep (elias Pokorny), Murdug
                                                           *Location Information
                                                           Address: Thalwies 11 
                                                           Zip: 83373
                                                           City: Taching am See
                                                           State: Bavaria
                                                           Country: Germany
                                                           Continent: Europe
                                                           *Social Media Accounts:
                                                           Discord: murdugk (Murdug#6978)
                                                           Snapchat: elias.p67
                                                           Steam: mURDUG 
                                                           Steam Password: xaver1234QQ
                                                           Tiktok: @murdug0
                                                           Valorant: 3473#9668
                                                           Valorant Password: xaver1234QQ 
                                                           Playboy uses the same password nearly everywhere xD!
                                                           *Job Info:
                                                           Name: Lebenshilfe Traunstein Ggmbh
                                                           Adress: Bahnweg 3
                                                           Zip: 83278
                                                           City: Traustein
                                                           State: Bavaria
                                                           Country: Germany
                                                           Phone Number: +49 861 209700
                                                           Email: info@lebenshilfe-traunstein.de
                                                           Website: https://www.lebenshilfe-traunstein.de/index.php
                                                           Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@lebenshilfetraunsteinggmbh4183
                                                           Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LebenshilfeTraunstein
                                                           Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lebenshilfetraunstein/
                                                           Name: Annemarie Funke
                                                           Email: funke@lebenshilfe-traunstein.de
                                                           Office Number: 0861 20970100 
                                                           Name: Alexander Bernauer
                                                           Email: a.bernauer@lebenshilfe-traunstein.de
                                                           Office number: 08621/9831-12
                                                           Dropped by sry_rejoin