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Mylee Harlan

so basically there's this girl that goes to my school and shes a huge pick me girl and she thinks she's better then everyone els and she lovessss to talk about black mailing the people she doesn't likebut i mean 
i cant blame her for her huge ego and she makes every girl she hangs out with a man hater and its so funny how she thinks she is going to have a perfect life with her little dirtbike boyfriend that is never going
to happen but here is all her info....

mom: Christal Ann Harlan

     1643 Vasili Ln, Beaumont, CA 92223

     (909) 795-2271

dad: Nicholas N Harlan

     1643 Vasili Ln, Beaumont, CA 92223

     (909) 435-6175)

: they are together 

Mylee : number : (909)-557-7549 - leave her a nice message ;) addie : 1643 Vasili Ln, Beaumont, CA 92223 give her sum to eat ;) socials : tt, @secret.life.of.mylee, give her a well resond report:),
mylee.harlen 99% sure thats it, her snap chat is mylee.harlen she a snap hoe 157000 snap score try to ban her acc.

That's it thank you for your help