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directed & written by @J.
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ Blue Lobsters Inc.

                   ,,,,     /       `,
                    \\\\   /    '\_  ;                         Starting here, Philhnr is a stupid and annoying retard from discord
                     |||| /\/``-.__\;'                             who actively supports racist and abusive communities and thinks of
                     ::::/\/_                                          himself as cool just because he is able to repeatedly paste a message
     {{`-.__.-'(`(^^(^^^(^ 9 `.========='                                 and hitting enter in a discord server. Thanks for testing our game bozo,
    {{{{{{ { ( ( (  (   (-----:=                                             the game now being IHaveBeenHacked Simulator 2024 ;)
                     |||| \/\  ,-'/,
                    ////   \ `` _/ ;
                   ''''     \  `  .'

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ Blue Lobsters Inc.

    ____ ____ _  _ ____ ____ ____ _       _ _  _ ____ ____ ____ _  _ ____ ___ _ ____ _  _ 
    | __ |___ |\ | |___ |__/ |__| |       | |\ | |___ |  | |__/ |\/| |__|  |  | |  | |\ | 
    |__] |___ | \| |___ |  \ |  | |___    | | \| |    |__| |  \ |  | |  |  |  | |__| | \| 

Known as: Phil, Philhnr
Age: 15
Discord: phil.hnr. (prob. termed soon)
Discord-Server: *Gone lol*
IP Address:
Country: DE
Timezone: Europe/Berlin

    ___  ____ _ _  _ ____ ___ ____    ___  ____ ___ ____ 
    |__] |__/ | |  | |__|  |  |___    |  \ |__|  |  |__| 
    |    |  \ |  \/  |  |  |  |___    |__/ |  |  |  |  | 

Real Name: Phil Hinrichs
Residence: Lohweg 31, 33154 Salzkotten, NRW Germany
Email: [ philhinrichs99@gmail.com, hinrichs-tsv@gmx.de (compromised) ]
Private data: https://workupload.com/file/C9Tpq3znvcv
Image: https://hcaptcha.vip/eeclkxxlss.png

    ___  ____ _  _ _ ____ ____ ____ 
    |  \ |___ |  | | |    |___ [__  
    |__/ |___  \/  | |___ |___ ___] 

Device Info
Device Model: HP Pavilion Gaming Laptop 15-cx0xxx
HWID: EE2AB83A-F505-EA11-8102-0068EBD5D49D
BSSID: 22:ef:bd:4d:65:b9:
System: Microsoft Windows 11 Home
Product Key: C2Y6F-4NCY4-3YGD2-7PKMY-G3BK3
Power: 79%
Screen: 1920x1080
External IP:
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 - GPU Driver: 551.86 - GPU Memory Total: 4096.0MB - GPU Memory Free: 3964.0MB - GPU Memory Used: 41.0MB
CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8300H CPU @ 2.30GHz - Arch: x64 - Cores: 4

Wifi Passwort: 71489681069136700399
MAC Address: A2:88:20:83:0D:34
Internal IP:

    _    ____ ____ _ _  _    _ _  _ ____ ____ ____ _  _ ____ ___ _ ____ _  _ 
    |    |  | | __ | |\ |    | |\ | |___ |  | |__/ |\/| |__|  |  | |  | |\ | 
    |___ |__| |__] | | \|    | | \| |    |__| |  \ |  | |  |  |  | |__| | \| 

|Website                 |username/email           |Passwort   |
|reddit.com              |hamedlocoistder-goat     |crafting00 |
|discord.com             |philhinrichs29@gmail.com |crafting00 |
|videobolt.net           |Philhnr                  |crafting00 |
|discord.com             |Philhinrichs99@gmail.com |crafting00 |
|roblox.com              |philstinkt123            |crafting00 |
|login.live.com          |philhinrichs29@gmail.com |crafting00 |
|login.live.com          |hinrichs-tsv@gmx.de      |Hhfc-1910  |
|twitch.tv               |philhnr007               |Hhfc1910   |
|panel.minecraft4free.de |Philhnr                  |Crafting00 |
Recently changed passwort to "CraftingRazor00#", try this too

    ____ ____ ____ ___  _ ___ ____ 
    |    |__/ |___ |  \ |  |  [__  
    |___ |  \ |___ |__/ |  |  ___] 

			• Creators: Blue Lobsters Inc.
				• Credits to J
					• Send some love to "getsono" on discord, he really needs it

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        |                 |  R  I  P  |
  Phil  |                 |           |
        |                 |           |
         \              \\|           |//