- Name: Ethan Ryan Walcott
- Date of Birth: October 12, 2000 (23 years old)
- Known Aliases: Cocopuffa, Popflake, Lamello, alex_ander9, Guapo160, Slippin Swayze, Chizzy, Milkyboi, young.ja1, Lupez.t0, black.p, Tachalla
- Address: 10272 Arizona Cir, Bethesda, MD 20817
- Email: ethanryanwalcott@gmail.com
- Phone: (301) 256-5923
- Snap: ryan.w655
- Dick pic: https://prnt.sc/w6ss3q
- Old IP:

- Father: Eric Ryan Walcott
- Father Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eric.walcott.33/
- Father Email: ericwalcott@gmail.com
- Father Phone: (202) 660-3366

- Mother: Shawnta R Watson Walcott
- Mother Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shawnta-walcott-88721536/
- Mother Twitter: https://twitter.com/ShawntaWalcott
- Mother Email: swatsonwal@aol.com
- Mother Phone: (301) 499-3757

- Sister: Nandi Walcott
- Sister Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009108067795
- Sister Email: walcottnandi@gmail.com, nandiwalcott@gmail.com
- Sister Phone: (240) 207-1167

- Brother: Ariel Witherspoon Walcott
- Brother Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ariel.walcott.522
- Brother Address: 1001 S Center St Apt 1109A Arlington, TX 76010
- Brother Email: walcott.ariel@gmail.com
- Brother Phone: (404) 423-3608

- Photos:
https://prnt.sc/1z2qhwq - The first photo that was ever leaked of Ethan on Penguin Oasis by his extremely upset at-the-time girlfriend Taytom, who had just discovered he was having a secret relationship behind her back with a 13 year old girl named Dori
https://prnt.sc/1z2qooc - The second photo of Ethan, leaked by a girl Ethan was cheating on his girlfriend with
https://prnt.sc/1z2lpsl - Ethan and his little brother Evan. Ethan’s face is strangely child-like; perhaps that could be a reason for his attraction to underaged children
https://prnt.sc/1z2lsnz - Ethan with his siblings. (In the Back: Ariel W. Walcott, Ethan R. Walcott, Nandi A. Walcott. In the center, the younger siblings, Isabelle and Evan Walcott)
https://prnt.sc/1z2mj8k - Ethan with his siblings and father, Eric R. Walcott
https://prnt.sc/1z2mumy - Ethan, a “quiet giant,” alongside his father, Eric. “Quiet” is actually an accurate assessment - he quietly snuck around and had relationships with multiple underaged girls on CPPS and Discord for months, including the underaged sister of his at-the-time girlfriend.
https://prnt.sc/1z2nnlw - Ethan alongside his family during Father’s Day, 2020. (In the back: Ariel and Nandi Walcott. In the front: Evan, Eric, Isabelle, and Ethan.) The expression on Isabelle’s face is quite unnerving, considering where her pedophilic brother’s hand is.
https://prnt.sc/1z2q70f - Ethan and his family having a meal together
https://prnt.sc/1z2oc9a - Ethan alongside his two eldest siblings, Ariel and Nandi Walcott, at Universal Studios in Orlando, FL. 
https://prnt.sc/1z2onnv - Ethan alongside his family at Disney Village in Orlando during Christmas time. 
https://prnt.sc/1z2p1x8 - Christmas with the Walcotts 1
https://prnt.sc/1z2pf1g - Christmas with the Walcotts 2
https://prnt.sc/1z2pvl1 - Ethan as a younger teen, alongside his family