____ _ _ | _ \ _____ _| |__ (_)_ __ | | | |/ _ \ \/ / '_ \| | '_ \ | |_| | (_) > <| |_) | | | | | |____/ \___/_/\_\_.__/|_|_| |_|
Title:Pedo 1
Created:Oct 5th, 2020
Created by: Lil_devil666
Views: 362
Comments: 1
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
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$ curl "https://api.ip2location.com/v2/?ip={YOUR_API_KEY}&package=WS24&addon=continent,country,region,city,geotargeting,country_groupings,time_zone_info" { "country_code": "IN", "country_name": "India", "region_name": "Maharashtra", "city_name": "Nagpur", "latitude": "21.15", "longitude": "79.1", "zip_code": "440050", "time_zone": "+05:30", "isp": "Vodafone India Ltd.", "domain": "vodafone.in", "net_speed": "DSL", "idd_code": "91", "area_code": "0712", "weather_station_code": "INXX0093", "weather_station_name": "Nagpur", "mcc": "404", "mnc": "01\/05\/11\/13\/15\/20\/27\/30\/43\/46\/60\/84\/86\/88\/66\/67\/750\/751\/752\/753\/754\/755\/756", "mobile_brand": "Vodafone IN", "elevation": "311", "usage_type": "MOB", "credits_consumed": 33, "continent": { "name": "Asia", "code": "AS", "hemisphere": [ "north", "east" ], "translations": [] }, "country": { "name": "India", "alpha3_code": "IND", "numeric_code": "356", "demonym": "Indians", "flag": "https:\/\/cdn.ip2location.com\/assets\/img\/flags\/in.png", "capital": "New Delhi", "total_area": "3287263", "population": "1354051854", "currency": { "code": "INR", "name": "Indian Rupee", "symbol": "\u20b9" }, "language": { "code": "HI", "name": "Hindi, English" }, "idd_code": "91", "tld": "in", "translations": [] }, "region": { "name": "Maharashtra", "code": "16", "translations": [] }, "city": { "name": "Nagpur", "translations": [] }, "geotargeting": { "metro": "-" }, "country_groupings": [ { "acronym": "APAC", "name": "Asia-Pacific" }, { "acronym": "BASIC", "name": "Brazil, South Africa, India and China" }, { "acronym": "BIMSTEC", "name": "The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation" }, { "acronym": "BRIC", "name": "Brazil, Russia, India and China" }, { "acronym": "BRICS", "name": "Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa" }, { "acronym": "Commonwealth of Nations", "name": "Commonwealth of Nations" }, { "acronym": "CPLP", "name": "Community of Portuguese Language Countries" }, { "acronym": "EMEIA", "name": "Europe, the Middle East, Africa and India" }, { "acronym": "G20", "name": "Group of Twenty" }, { "acronym": "G4 Nations", "name": "G4 Nations" }, { "acronym": "G77", "name": "Group of 77" }, { "acronym": "G8+5", "name": "Group of Eight + Five" }, { "acronym": "IBSA", "name": "India, Brazil and South Africa" }, { "acronym": "SAARC", "name": "South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation" }, { "acronym": "SCO", "name": "Shanghai Cooperation Organisation" }, { "acronym": "UN", "name": "United Nations" } ], "time_zone_info": { "olson": "Asia\/Kolkata", "current_time": "2020-10-05T13:37:20+05:30", "gmt_offset": 19800, "is_dst": "no", "sunrise": "06:06", "sunset": "17:57" } } Try Our IP2Proxy Geolocation API $ curl "https://api.ip2proxy.com/?key={YOUR_API_KEY}&ip=" { "response": "OK", "countryCode": "IN", "countryName": "India", "regionName": "Maharashtra", "cityName": "Nagpur", "isp": "Vodafone India Ltd.", "domain": "vodafone.in", "usageType": "MOB", "asn": "0", "as": "-", "lastSeen": "0", "proxyType": "-", "threat": "-", "isProxy": "NO" }
4 years ago