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Title:Patryk Misiak (patch)
Created:Mar 24th, 2024
Created by: gasity
Views: 314
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... ;::::; ;::::; :; ;:::::' :; ;:::::; ;. ,:::::' ; OOO\ ::::::; ; OOOOO\ ;:::::; ; OOOOOOOO ,;::::::; ;' / OOOOOOO ;:::::::::`. ,,,;. / / DOOOOOO .';:::::::::::::::::;, / / DOOOO ,::::::;::::::;;;;::::;, / / DOOO ;`::::::`'::::::;;;::::: ,#/ / DOOO :`:::::::`;::::::;;::: ;::# / DOOO ::`:::::::`;:::::::: ;::::# / DOO `:`:::::::`;:::::: ;::::::#/ DOO :::`:::::::`;; ;:::::::::## OO ::::`:::::::`;::::::::;:::# OO `:::::`::::::::::::;'`:;::# O `:::::`::::::::;' / / `:#. . ::::::`:::::;' / / `# . (((Gasity runs you))) Name: Patryk Misiak FACE PHOTO https://imgur.com/a/Xvqbmp5 Polish language and English language fluent Aliases: - patchy - patch - patchthealpha - mr Misiak - patchthealpha_aj Sending out minors nudes https://imgur.com/9j0gdfG (found online) Graduated Franklin Sixth Form College (2020) https://franklincollege.edu Chelmsford Ave, Grimsby, DN34 5BY, England DOB: 10-11-2000 * address 41, Haycroft Street, Grimsby, South Humberside, DN31 2HY * city Grimsby * postal UK * DN31 2HY * [SSN] 607-445-913 Credit Card info Mastercard, 5147552001484867, 3/2025, 286 -SMS ENDS IN 76 basic youtube info www.youtube.com/@PatchTheAlpha 3.92K subscribers 86 videos 452,133 views Joined May 31, 2014 FACEBOOK LIKES Ainsley Harriott, Android Market, Dogs, Puppies (oh god) Social Media: - SnapChat: @patrykmisiak - Instagram: @patchthealpha_aj - Twitter(X): @patchthealpha - Pintrest beatamisiak0224 - Youtube PatchTheAlpha - linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/patryk-misiak-939243206/ - facebook Patryk Misiak (Patch) - pornhub.com patchthealpha - epic games patchthealpha - discord server discord.gg/7tftnYzUQV (as of march 2024) - reddit Patchthealpha (made Dec 8, 2018) ---------------------------------------------------------- $$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$\ $$$$$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ | $$ | \__| $$ __$$\ $$ / $$ |$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$\ $$$$$$$\ $$ / \__|$$$$$$\ $$ | $$ |\_$$ _| $$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ |$$ __$$\ $$$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ |$$$$$$$$ |$$ | \__| $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ _| $$ / $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ |$$\ $$ | $$ |$$ ____|$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ | $$$$$$ | \$$$$ |$$ | $$ |\$$$$$$$\ $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | \$$$$$$ | \______/ \____/ \__| \__| \_______|\__| \__|\__| \__|\__| \______/ EPICGAMES INFORMATION (pull info) - EPIC PATCHTHEALPHA -EPIC ACCOUNT ID d95cab1771d645e79d6bebf6d5af150b -first ever display name PATCHTHEALPHA -first receipt date STW jan 10st 2018 -first location Grimsby UK -last 4 4867 -xbox linked patchthealpha -psn linked patchthealpha -steam patchthejammer EMAILS ----------------------------------- patchthejammer@gmail.com Email.: patchthejammer@gmail.com Domain: http://amazon.com Email.: patchthejammer@gmail.com Domain: http://discord.com Email.: patchthejammer@gmail.com Domain: http://freelancer.com Email.: patchthejammer@gmail.com Domain: http://google.com Email.: patchthejammer@gmail.com Domain: http://instagram.com Email.: patchthejammer@gmail.com Domain: http://pornhub.com Email.: patchthejammer@gmail.com Domain: http://spotify.com Email.: patchthejammer@gmail.com Domain: http://twitter.com Email.: patchthejammer@gmail.com Domain: http://wattpad.com Passwords : misiunia --------------------------------------- beatamisiak@interia.eu Email.: beatamisiak@interia.eu Domain: http://adobe.com Email.: beatamisiak@interia.eu Domain: http://amazon.com Email.: beatamisiak@interia.eu Domain: http://bitmoji.com Email.: beatamisiak@interia.eu Domain: http://google.com Email.: beatamisiak@interia.eu Domain: http://instagram.com Email.: beatamisiak@interia.eu Domain: http://pinterest.com Email.: beatamisiak@interia.eu Domain: http://smule.com Email.: beatamisiak@interia.eu Domain: http://spotify.com Email.: beatamisiak@interia.eu Domain: http://taringa.net Passwords : misiunia, misiunia#@ ------------------------------------------------ pmisiak@gmail.com Email.: pmisiak@gmail.com Domain: http://google.com Email.: pmisiak@gmail.com Domain: http://instagram.com Email.: pmisiak@gmail.com •Domain: http://twitter.com $$\ $$\ $$\ $$\ $$$\ $$$ | $$ | $$ | $$$$\ $$$$ | $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$\$$\$$ $$ |$$ __$$\\_$$ _| $$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ \$$$ $$ |$$ / $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ |$$$$$$$$ |$$ | \__| $$ |\$ /$$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$\ $$ | $$ |$$ ____|$$ | $$ | \_/ $$ |\$$$$$$ | \$$$$ |$$ | $$ |\$$$$$$$\ $$ | \__| \__| \______/ \____/ \__| \__| \_______|\__| Name: Beata Misiak (Wieczorkiewicz) Maiden Name -face photo -https://imgur.com/a/WRdrdyk -facebook https://www.facebook.com/beata.misiak.188 //////////MORE INFO SOON///////////