/$$$$$$$ /$$ /$$ /$$$$$$$ | $$__ $$ | $$ | $$ | $$__ $$ | $$ \ $$ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$ /$$$$$$ | $$$$$$$ | $$ \ $$ /$$$$$$ /$$ /$$ | $$$$$$$/|____ $$| $$__ $$ /$$__ $$ /$$__ $$| $$__ $$ | $$ | $$ /$$__ $$| $$ /$$/ | $$____/ /$$$$$$$| $$ \ $$| $$ | $$| $$ \ $$| $$ \ $$ | $$ | $$| $$ \ $$ \ $$$$/ | $$ /$$__ $$| $$ | $$| $$ | $$| $$ | $$| $$ | $$ | $$ | $$| $$ | $$ >$$ $$ | $$ | $$$$$$$| $$ | $$| $$$$$$$| $$$$$$/| $$ | $$ | $$$$$$$/| $$$$$$/ /$$/\ $$ |__/ \_______/|__/ |__/ \_______/ \______/ |__/ |__/ |_______/ \______/ |__/ \__/ * reason for dox: homophobe, chronically online ‘YouTuber’, hates gays, racist, and a person who slanders individuals and associates with GwamgoXD * ↳ Name: Rylee James ↳ Age: 17 ↳ DOB: Feb 28, 2006 (17) ↳ Face: https://imgur.com/a/fCHeOTI - ↳ Political Party: Republican - ↳ Address: 5500 White Oak Ln, Imperial MO 63052 ↳ Proof of address: https://prnt.sc/b1VlBqVvOqUE, https://prnt.sc/i9xUMQEJs317 (His house is also blurred) ↳ Work Address: 3600 W Outer Rd, Arnold, MO 63010 (Burger King) ↳ School: Windsor High School: 949 Windsor Harbor Rd, Imperial MO 63052 ↳ Phone: +1 (636)-xxx-7640 ↳ Email: ryleejd@gmail.com ↳ Aliases: Ryleethejedi Q: What should you do with this information? DO NOT harass this individual, or swat, or send pizzas to him. Do not do that! Instead, report him to his school and/or workplace! - Email: ryleejd@gmail.com registered on: amazon.com, discord.com, replit.com, spotify.com Data Breaches: Coachella, MyFitnessPal, Ticketfly, tumble, Zynga - Car: 2006 Ford Escape Old passwords: ryl3313 - Bank: Enterprise Bank And Trust Bank site: https://www.enterprisebank.com/ - Socials: Discord ID: 1000915304081276958 Twitter: https://twitter.com/PandohYT Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/2b1yv2xl42ddvyfqdds3qvq1q?si=2bb781ab7406465e Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjfzHSkOoo7yrzxROR21s3A Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198880319853 Old Minecraft User: Tatortot1780 I will update if more information is found.