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 .o88b.  .d88b.  d8b   db d888888b d88888b d8b   db d888888b .d8888. 
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 `Y88P'  `Y88P'  VP   V8P    YP    Y88888P VP   V8P    YP    `8888Y' 
                                                ║ → 0x10 | Introduction + Verification...........................║
                                                ║ → 0x20 | Personal Information..................................║
                                                ║ → 0x30 | Social Media..........................................║
                                                ║ → 0x40 | Family................................................║
                                                ║ → 0x50 | Outro.................................................║

   ⛧ 0x10 -> Introduction   
   Faggot who thinks he's shit because he blew up on youtube by making fun of greenscreen kids through youtube shorts, today pocketnaut gets dropped on the bin,
   grown monkey who spends his time talking to his 14 year old fans on his discord server, went from a generic gaming channel to a youtube shorts scum.

 ⛧ -> Verification
  Part One: On his instagram account, which he linked to his youtube channel, he was following every family member of his, and on his discord server his retarded
  nigger fans kept mentioning his last name, ''Myers''. Little did he know his dad also followed his personal instagram account ''Peyon Myers'', which also revealed
  the state he lives in LOL

   ⛧ 0x20 -> Personal Information

   ⛧ Online Alias(s)
   ⛧ Full Name + Age
   Name -> Peyton Myers
   Age -> 21

   ⛧ Faces

   ⛧ Address                                                                        
   Address -> 402 Birchview Dr
   City -> Broussard
   State ->  Louisiana
   Zip Code -> 70518
   Time -> Central Standard Time (-6 UTC)

   ⛧ House Info
  ⛧ Current Address Info
   Beds -> 4
   Baths -> 3
   sqft -> 1,802
   Cost -> $310,000
   Year build -> 2014
   House picture -> https://filesbox.io/bVFMsPa

 ⛧ Phone Number(s)
   (337) 256-5051 
   Carrier: T-Mobile
   Landline or Cell?: Landline
   ⛧ Email


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   ⛧ 0x30 -> Social Media

   ⛧ Youtube
   ⛧ Twitter
   ⛧ TikTok
   ⛧ Patreon
   ⛧ Instagram
  instagram.com/pkt.peyton (MAIN)

   ⛧ Facebook

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                                         " Going for the entire family tree " 

   ⛧ 0x40 -> Family

   ⛧ Mother
         +------ Personal Information -------------------------------------------------+

         ⛧ Full Name -> Ericka Rogers Myers
         ⛧ Address -> 402 Birchview Dr Broussard, LA 70518
         ⛧ Age -> 44
         ⛧ Face -> https://filesbox.io/d6f5AnS
         ⛧ Ethnicity -> Caucasian
         ⛧ Dob -> August 1979      

         +------ Phone Numbers --------------------------------------------------------+
          (225) 271-4850 (Main Number)
          (337) 330-7137
          (225) 287-5114

   ⛧ Father 
         +------ Personal Information -------------------------------------------------+
         ⛧ Full Name -> Robbie Crockhom
         ⛧ Address -> 402 Birchview Dr Broussard, LA 70518
         ⛧ Age -> 54
         ⛧ Face -> https://filesbox.io/xIKpUkn
         ⛧ Ethnicity -> Caucasian
         ⛧ DOB -> September 1969

         +------ Email Addresses ------------------------------------------------------+
         ⛧ robbcro@yahoo.com
        +------ Business Ownership -----------------------------------------------------+

        ⛧ Name -> Titan Benefits LLC
        ⛧ Address -> 9191 Rue De Fluer Denham Springs La 70706

         +------ Phone Numbers---------------------------------------------------------+

          (225) 271-4850 (MAIN)
          (337) 256-5051 
          (985) 331-9001 
          (225) 667-3517 
          (337) 330-7137 
          (225) 236-7034 
